
Showing posts with label top10. Show all posts
Showing posts with label top10. Show all posts

Thursday, February 2, 2023

Top 10 Most Beautiful Birds In The World

Which is the most beautiful bird in the world? who could possibly can answer this question? nobody, because, majority of birds in this world are beautiful. However, some species definitely have striking features which could outrank the rest. Here the list of 10 most beautiful birds in the world.

10. Keel-billed Toucan (Chachalaca)


Keel-billed toucan is among the birds with most amazing bills in the world. They have huge, multi-colored beak that will reach up to 20 cm in length. Due to their colorful bill, keel-billed toucan is also known as rainbow-billed toucan. Their beak is a mixture of green, red and yellow colors.

In spite of heavy appearance, beak of the keel-billed toucan is hollow and light. It is made up of one type of proteins called keratin. They use this large, colorful beak to attract female during the breeding season and also as a defensive weapon.

This beautiful bird inhabit in the forest across Central and South America. They have a length of 20 cm and weigh up to 4 kg. Their plumage is mostly black with a yellow throat and chest. Keel-billed toucans are poor flyers due to their heavy wings. They can only move between the tree branches by hopping.

Keel-billed toucans are very social birds. They form small flocks that contain up to thirty birds. They live in either natural or woodpecker made holes in trees. Their diet mainly consists of insects, lizards, and eggs.

9. Wood Duck


Wood duck is probably the most stunningly colorful waterfowl in the world. The male bird has a metallic, purplish-green head and crest. Their belly is white and chest is dark-red. Along the neck, they have attractive, narrow white stripes. Their wings are patterned blue and black.

Female wood ducks are not so colorful as males. They have grey-brown head, white belly and white speckled breast. Male bird uses their colorful plumage to attract female bird during breeding season.

wood ducks inhabit in marshes, wooded swamps and streams across North America. With unique coloration and shape, the wood ducks are also one of most easily recognizable birds in the North America. Unlike other water fowls, wood ducks nest in tree holes and form flocks.

8. Bohemian Waxwing

Bohemian waxwing is a medium-sized songbird with distinctive crested head and black masks. They are brownish-grey overall and wings have white and yellow edging. Thus, Bohemian Waxwing is among the most beautiful passerine birds in the world.

Bohemian waxwings inhabit in boreal forest across North America and Eurasia, mostly in Canada and Alaska. In winter, they migrate in large flocks to the Northwest parts of the United States. They nest on tree branches. Both male and female Bohemian Waxwings are known for their high pitched calls. They mainly feed on insects and berries.

7. Blue Jay

Blue jays are one of the most intelligent and beautiful birds in the world. They found across forests of Eastern and Central North America. The blue jays have stunning blue, white and black plumage. The most distinguishing feature of this songbird is its noisy ‘jay jay’ like calls. They can also imitate the call of other species of birds.

Besides the striking appearance, blue jays are famous for their intelligence. They may steal nestlings and eggs of other birds. Blue jays also mimic the voice of hawks to deceive other birds. It is said to blue jays in captivity also could mimic human speech and the voice of other pets.

Blue jays are social birds that found in small flocks. But in winter, during migration to the South, they form large flocks of hundreds of blue jays. Their migration behavior still remains a mystery among scientists. Not all blue jays migrate during winter, some birds remain in their natural territory. Also, no blue jays migrate every year.

6. Atlantic Puffin


Atlantic puffin is a small, well-adapted seabird that found across the coast of Northern United States and Eastern Canada. Atlantic puffins are also known as ‘sea parrot’ due to their huge, multi-colored bill and penguin-like coloration. Atlantic puffins spend most of their lives on sea. Their water-resistant feathers keep their body warm while swimming. They flap their wings to swim on the surface and underwater.

Atlantic puffins have excellent diving capability. They can reach up to 60 m on diving. They typically hunt sand eels, capelins and hakes. Atlantic puffins are also excellent fliers. They can reach a speed of 55 miles an hour by flapping wings up to 400 times per minute.

They breed in each summer and spring on the islands of North Atlantic Ocean. They build nest using feathers and grasses in the burrows on the cliffs. The female lays only one egg and it takes 45 days to hatch it. After hatching, adult puffins leaves the nest for finding food for the chicks. They bring back small fishes for their chicks. Atlantic puffins can load between 10-30 fishes in their huge beaks.

5. Hyacinth Macaw


With an impressive length of 100 cm, hyacinth macaw is the largest of all flying species of parrots in the world. They inhabit in semi-open areas and savanna grasslands of Northern Brazil. Their population have been declined in past few years. Today, less than 5000 Hyacinth Macaws left in the world. Habitat loss and hunting are main threats to hyacinth macaw.

Besides the large size, Hyacinth Macaw is famous for their striking cobalt blue plumage with bright yellow rings around the eyes. Due to this stunning coloration, Hyacinth Macaw also called as ‘blue macaw’. They also have a beautiful long tail and strong and curved black bill.

With proper training, Hyacinth Macaws could be an excellent pet. To make them comfortable, You should also give them a lot of space. They are very playful and not so good at imitating words like some other members of Macaw family.

You should be aware of powerful bill of Hyacinth Macaws. It can’t be guaranteed that they won’t bite you even with proper caring and training. The Hyacinth Macaws also can be extremely loud when they are in a group.

4. Peacock

Peacock is actually the name of male bird of peafowl family. There are three types of peafowls in the world – Indian, Congo and green peafowl. The Indian peafowls are the most common type of peafowls found around the world. Peacocks (male birds) are renowned for their colorful display of iridescent tail feathers.

Peacocks can grow up to 5 feet in length, which make it one of the largest flying birds in the world. In fact, the long tail of a peacock makes 60% of its total length. The colorful tail feather display of peacocks is probably the most beautiful courtship display among bird family.

On courtship display, peacock spread out its enormous tail feathers to display the colorful patterns and eye spots. Some peacocks have a lengthy tail and more eyespots than others. The female peafowl or peahen also chooses a peacock with lengthy tail and more eye spots. Depending on the angle of reflection of light, color of the tail feathers of peacock looks different.

3. Flamingo

Flamingo is probably the most recognizable wading bird in the world. The stunning red-purple colored plumage itself make flamingo so special among birds. There are 6 different species of Flamingos in the world. They found on every continent except Antarctica.

An adult flamingo measure  4-5 feet in length and up to 3.6 kg in weight. Their neck is long and lean and has a distinctive downward, bend beak. The legs of flamingos are also very long, measure between 30 and 50 inches. The long leg and specially adapted beak let them to catch small fishes, larvae and planktons from the mud.

Flamingos live in large colonies that include thousands of members. Their striking red-purple color is due to the food they eat. Their diet mainly consists of brine shrimp, plankton, and blue-green algae. Flamingo also spends hours on oil up their plumage from the special glands using their plumage. It helps them to keep their plumage always in good condition.

2. Scarlet Macaw

Scarlet macaw is one of the most beautiful and largest member of macaw family. They inhabit in humid evergreen forests across Central and South America. They are famous for their colorful plumage. They have bright red plumage with a blue back. Their upper wings are yellow and edged with green color.

The strong, curved beak is another noticeable feature of a scarlet macaw. Its upper part is white and the tip is black. An adult scarlet macaw has a length between 80-90 cm and weighs up to 1.5 kg. They are excellent fliers and can reach up to a speed of 35 mph. Scarlet macaws also live for a long time. They have a lifespan of 40-50 years. It is said to be the scarlet macaws in captivity can live up to 75 years.

The magnificent, scarlet macaw is also among the most intelligent birds in the world. In captivity, they can easily learn words, sounds and tricks. It is said to be a well trained scarlet macaw could even distinguish the colors and shapes.

Scarlet macaws are also very loud parrots. They make different types of voices such as screeches and squawks. Their diet mainly consists of nuts, seeds, fruits and insects. With the strong, curved beak, scarlet macaws can easily break any nuts.

1.  Golden Pheasant

Golden pheasants are famous for their brilliant colored plumage. They have a beautiful golden-yellow crest tipped with red. Their underpart is bright red and face. Sides and throat are rusty tan. The wattle of golden pheasant is yellow and its upper back is green. They also have dark, red shoulder feathers and a long pale brown tail.

The male golden pheasants are more colorful than males. They have distinctive scarlet breast and flanks. Their central tail feathers also have striking black spots. Unlike male pheasants, females have a duller mottled brown plumage.

Golden pheasants live in the dense forests and woodlands across Western and Central China. Male golden pheasants are longer than females. An adult male normally has a length up to 42 inches. Interestingly, the tail account for two-third of its total body length. Golden pheasants are poor fliers and spend most of their time on the ground. They mainly feed on berries, seeds and insects.


There are about 10000 species of birds in the world. Each species is unique in many ways. They different in the beauty of plumage, size, call, migrating behavior, courtship displays, and feeding. So, when talking about the most beautiful birds in the world, different people have different opinions. Because beauty is the mind of the beholder. So, please feel free to share your opinions on this topic in the comment section below.

Thursday, August 18, 2022

10 Best Online Earning Websites In Pakistan Without Investment in 2022


If you are starting a freelance career, then you must need to take a look on some of the best online earning websites in Pakistan. From these websites, you can get a direction from where to start. All of these websites are created where people can sell their skills and earn money online by sitting at the comfort of their homes.

Here is the list of 10 best online earning websites in Pakistan.

  1. Fiverr
  2. Upwork
  3. Freelancer
  4. 99designs
  6. Guru
  7. Rozee.Pk
  9. Fivessquid
  10. Simplyhired

Online Earning Websites in Pakistan without Investment

1. Fiverr

Fiverr is the most popular online marketplace. On Fiverr, freelancers from around the world sell their services online. If you have good skills in any field, you can start earning today on Fiverr. All you have to do is to create a professional profile on this platform. After that, create a gig (service) on your profile and send buyer requests. Once you get a project, be humble and patient with the client

Once all the requirements of the project are complete, then deliver your order. Most of the online earning websites work with Payoneer, so it’s better to make a Payoneer account and connect it with your Fiverr account. When the funds arrive in the Payoneer account, you can withdraw them to your local Bank account.

2. Upwork

Upwork is another freelancing platform. This marketplace provides a professional platform for independent contractors, individuals, and companies to find work. Upwork is a job platform where the clients post jobs and projects.

Freelancers having specific skills make bids on projects by submitting proposals for that job. To make bids you require connects. On making a profile you get 20 connects by default. It depends on the nature of the job how many connects it requires. If you run out of connects you can buy more through your credit card.

Once a project is completed on Upwork, client and freelancers leave reviews for each other. These reviews help you to make your job score better. The better your job score is the more chances you have to get hired. Upwork offers many ways to withdraw money. The most suitable option is withdrawing money directly in your local bank account.

3. Freelancer

Freelancer is also an online earning platform. Individuals or companies in need of freelancers post short-term and long-term jobs there. You can easily make a profile on this platform and bid for the projects. Like connects on Upwork here on Freelancer you have to make a bid to submit your proposal. Free members get 8 bids per month.

Once you get hired. you can do your work accordingly and get paid. Freelancer has a milestone payment system, which means payments are done when you complete the specific portion of your project. Payment can also be done on the completion of the project.

4. 99designs

99designs is the global platform that connects clients and designers from all over the world to work together and create unique designs of their choice. If you are creative and love to design, then this is the best platform for you.
99design has a unique creative process that helps clients and designers to connect and complete projects like business card designing, logos, t-shirts, and more.

There are two ways in which a freelancer can get hired on this platform. The Client can work directly with the designer or he can start a contest. The contest allows freelancers to submit creative designs and the client picks his favorite design.

5. is also an online earning platform. This platform connects clients and freelancers across the globe. You have to create a profile on this platform. Once your profile is approved you have access to hundreds and thousands of projects.

Once your proposal gets approved by the client you can start working on the project. The client pays into escrow account money and payment is released when the work is done.

6. was founded in 1998 and since then it has evolved as a great platform for both employers and freelancers. The hiring process on Guru is simple. After creating a profile, you have to send quotes on projects according to your skills. Get hired without any investment and complete the project.

For each project, the guru charges a commission of 8.9%. You can get paid membership for the benefits like more bids, discounted job fees, and more. Sell your skill on Guru and start earning today.

7. is Pakistan’s most popular job searching website. On you can easily find an online job matching your skill. It’s very easy to apply for jobs on this website. You just have to create an account on this website, submit your academic details and skills. After your account is approved, you can start looking for jobs that are relevant to your skills.
The process to apply to these jobs is easy and requires no investment. Some jobs require you to send CVs to the mentioned email addresses and some require you to submit CV.

8. is founded by a famous Pakistani freelancer “Hisham Sarwar“. At the time of writing, there are almost 30 categories in which you can sell your services.
The process of creating an account is quite simple here. After you have signed up from your email, You can create your gig and mention your services. You can also set your price and delivery timelines so clients can easily take a look and order their favorite gig.

9. Fivesquid

Fivesquid is also a freelancing website. This website is similar to Fiverr but mostly UK based clients hire freelancers. You can sell your services here, but the dealings will be done in pounds sterling. You can start selling at 5-pound sterling.

This online earning website follows the same method as Fiverr. No investment is required. You have to create a gig and rank it. If you have a skill, then you can easily get an order on Fivesquid.

10. is another great freelancing platform where you get paid by doing transcription-based jobs. All you have to do is to listen to the audio and type correctly what is being said in the audio.

It provides a great opportunity for stay-at-home moms to earn some extra money while sitting in the comfort of their homes.

One major drawback of this platform is that they only provide payments in PayPal.

Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Top 10 Countries That Will Disappear In The Coming Years


Jeff Bezos rightly and recently said in an interview,” We are in the process of destroying this planet” and indeed it is coming true.
Jeff Bezos rightly and recently said in an interview,
” We are in the process of destroying this planet” 
and indeed it is coming true.

Global warming is a global and a serious issue which if not worked towards can wipe out the beautiful countries on the map. Affecting almost all the countries in its own way, the affects of global warming have been rising at an alarming rate.

Here’s a list of 10 countries that we are on the verge of being wiped out completely.


Located to the west of India, Maldives consists of around 1,100 islands. With the lowest lying islands in the world which is only 4.2 feet above sea level, this country is particularly susceptible to the effects of rising sea levels. Many of the islands here are reporting significant beach erosion, which is effectively reducing the land area suitable for human habitation.


Made up of 3 reef islands and 6 atolls Tuvalu is located in the Pacific Ocean halfway between Hawaii and Australia. The residents of this country are already seeking refuge elsewhere as a result of the damage occurring here due to global climate change.

Federated States of Micronesia

The Federated States of Micronesia is located to east of the Philippines and consists of 607 islands and atolls. The rising sea levels here have already caused significant damage and even caused local cemeteries to disappear beneath the waves. While the government has adapted new plans and policies to fight the circumstances the ocean surrounding these islands are expected to rise anywhere from 16 to 62 inches by the end of this century.


Kiribati is an island nation located between the US state of Hawaii and Australia in the Pacific Ocean. It consists of  33 islands which are already facing the effects of rising sea levels. While most of the residents have already moved to the largest island after losing their communities the president of this country has purchased 6,000 acres of land from Fiji to relocate the island’s population.


Nauru is located in the central Pacific Ocean and because of the history of mining on this island, the majority of its land area has been left unsuitable for human habitation. Residents here have no other choice but to live along its coastlines, which are quickly disappearing due to global warming.


Seychelles is located in the western Indian Ocean and is made up of 115 islands. The increasing ocean temperatures surrounding the islands have destroyed the coral reefs here. These reefs worked to protect the islands from erosion; without them, the islands are now threatened by erosion. If sea levels rise just 3 feet, the 92,000 people living here will be left with nowhere to go.


Tonga, located in the southern Pacific Ocean, is made up of 169 islands with only 36 islands inhabited. One of the biggest threats facing this country is the rapidly rising sea levels. Residents and local businesses have already been dealing with disappearing beaches, forced to move their homes, offices, and restaurants further inland to escape the invading water. Mangroves here have already been destroyed, leaving the coastline further exposed to storms and erosion.


Comoros is located between Madagascar and Mozambique off the east coast of Africa. It is made up of 3 large islands and several smaller islands. This country is considered vulnerable to climate change and has suffered damages from rising sea levels and increased flooding affecting the agricultural conditions and the fishing industry.


Located to the southeast of the Philippines, Palau is made up of over 300 islands. Rising sea levels have already taken a toll on the communities here, with increased erosion eating away at available land and saltwater reaching agricultural crops. The warmer temperatures of this water is also destroying surrounding coral reefs, which allows for more erosion and has a negative effect on the local fishing industry.


Bangladesh is the only non-island nation on the list. The country is constantly threatened by the high average of floods, cyclones, and tornadoes. These natural disasters are only becoming more frequent due to global climate change. With the glaciers of the Himalaya mountains melting faster than average, instances of flooding is increased at an alarming rate. At least 25% of the country is covered in floods every year, which has prompted residents to adapt to these conditions. One of these adaptations has been to grow agricultural crops on large rafts that can float when water levels rise.

Sunday, January 30, 2022

10 Pakistani Shows & Movies Copied From Bollywood

Remember how Indian totally drooled over the gorgeous Fawad Khan when we saw him for the first time in Khoobsurat? Similarly, Pakistani cinema is also a big fan of Bollywood celebrities.

Since the cultural heritage and language is nearly the same for both industries, they share an uncanny resemblance in the plot lines of their movies and shows. However, Lolly wood has exactly copied some plot-lines from Bollywood's well-known shows and movies. 

Here are some of the examples:

1Mohabbat Tujhe Alvida copied from Judaai 

Revolving around a woman, who entrusts her husband to a rich woman to achieve her dreams, this show shares an uncanny resemblance with the Bollywood movie Judaai. When the audience spotted the resemblance in plot lines, the makers announced that it “may have been inspired” by the 90s hit Hindi movie.

Source: Oye Yeah

Source: Wikimedia

2. Koi Nahi Apna copied from Akele Hum Akele Tum

The show revolves around a couple who fall in love, gets married despite the family’s disapproval and parts ways later as they can’t handle the daily responsibilities of marriage and career. Sounds familiar? Yes, the plot-line of this movie exactly sounds like the Bollywood movie Akele Hum Akele Tum. However, the married couple has a daughter instead of a son like in the movie and instead of the mother, the father leaves his wife. 

Source: IMDb

Source: Amazon

3. Chana Jor Garam copied from Sarabhai Vs Sarabhai 

Yes, that’s correct. This show is an exact remake of India’s iconic Sarabhai Vs Sarabhai show. Just like the original show, this copied show also has a middle-class bahu who is always taunted by her elite mother-in-law. There’s also a similar character like Rosesh, who recites shers and ghazals

Source: Pakistani.PK

Source: Hotstar

4. Arth: The Destination copied from Arth 

Just like its title, the entire movie was a copy of the 1982 Bollywood movie Arth. However, the Pakistani director of the movie gave Mahesh Bhatt the due credit. He even wanted to contact Bhatt to make it an official Urdu remake of 'Arth'. 

Source: IMDb

Source: Pic Click

5. Nazo copied from Barfi

Revolving around a mentally challenged girl and her family, this drama was similar to the Ranbir Kapoor-Priyanka Chopra starrer Barfi!. From the protagonist’s thick-curly hair to her expressions, the show and the movie share an uncanny resemblance. 

Source: Dawn

Source: IMDb

6. Cheekh copied from Damini 

Revolving around a woman who witnesses a heinous rape committed by her brother-in-law, this movie is again copied from Bollywood’s Damini. Just like in the original movie, the woman in this movie also fights with her family to get justice for the victim. 

Source: IMDb

Source: Amar Ujala

7. Naukar copied from Aulad 

In 1954, Mohan Segal directed Aulad that revolved around the complex issues of a family. A year later in 1955, Pakistan came out with a remake of the movie titled Naukar. It is said that the movie was one of the earliest remakes of a Bollywood movie, right after the partition. 

Source: IMDb

Source: Hotstar

8. Hameeda copied from Vachan 

Revolving around a woman who sacrifices her love and happiness to look after the needs of her family, Devendra Goel’s 1955 heroine-centric movie Vachan was mostly loved because of Geeta Bali’s brilliant performance in the movie. In 1956, Pakistan’s Hameeda liberally borrowed the plotline and characters from the movie Vachan.  

Source: Facebook

Source: Amazon

9. Dil Banjaara copied from Dilwale Dulhaniya Le Jayenge 

A girl belonging to a conservative background goes on a trip abroad, meets a guy, falls in love with him despite being engaged and eventually get married to him. Does this plot sound similar to you? It’s not just the plot of the classic movie DDLJ, but also of a Pakistani show called Dil Banjaara. Although, they tried adding a twist in the show by showing that the man too had prior commitments to his cousin but it didn’t conceal the striking resemblance of its story to DDLJ

Source: Free Press Journal

Source: Wikipedia

Izteraab copied from We Are Family 

Revolving around a man having two wives, Pakistan’s Izteraab too shares an uncanny resemblance to Bollywood’s We Are Family. 

Source: Review It

Source: Desi Martini

What do you think of these similarities?