Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Review | Wonder Woman 1984

 Review | Wonder Woman 1984

05 Jan 2021 | By Administration

When “Wonder Woman” came out in 2017, it was a thrilling breath of fresh air, both within the darker realm of DC Comics adaptations and the larger context of bloated summer blockbusters. Director Patty Jenkins’ film offered equal parts muscle and heart, with a perfect tonal balance between transporting action and gentle humor, dazzling spectacle, and charming romance. Crucially at its center was the impossibly charismatic Gal Gadot, who was more than just a gorgeous and statuesque stunner. She radiated goodness, light, and hope in a way that was infectious, that made you believe in the power of superheroes beyond facile platitudes about doing what’s right and protecting mankind.

Gadot remains a winning and winsome figure in “Wonder Woman 1984,” and she retains her authentic connection with the audience, but the machinery around her has grown larger and unwieldy. Maybe that was inevitable, the urge in crafting a sequel to make everything wilder and brasher, more sprawling and complicated. In the process, though, the quality that made the original film such a delight has been squashed almost entirely. And yet, the foundation of the script Jenkins co-wrote with Geoff Johns and Dave Callaham, based on William Moulton Marston’s original characters, is a pretty simple one: It’s an indictment of greed, of our entitled desire to have what we want and have it now. The story takes place at the height of Reagan-era conspicuous consumption, hence the title, but the point “WW84” is making about the destructive nature of avarice is certainly relevant today.

Too often, though, the instinct in evoking that period is to wallow in obvious nostalgia—popped collars on pastel Polo shirts, a Centipede game at the arcade, a B. Dalton Bookseller at the brightly-lit, triple-decker mall. There’s even the obligatory trying-on-clothes montage to allow Chris Pine’s resurrected World War I pilot to marvel at the ridiculousness of parachute pants. (Also: breakdancing! What is that all about?) We’ll get to Steve in a minute, and to the potentially intriguing idea, his return represents.

But what’s also disappointing about the “WW84” screenplay is that it feels like it belongs to a movie that actually came out in the ‘80s. Its plot-driving device would be right at home in a high-concept comedy: an ancient stone that immediately grants you whatever you wish for, resulting in both wacky hijinks and massive catastrophes. It’s a banal notion along the lines of “Weird Science” and “Zapped!,” a cautionary tale in which fantasy fulfillment ultimately doesn’t deliver the satisfaction its characters expect.

Far more compelling is the film’s opening sequence, a flashback to a pivotal moment in the life of young Diana, years before she’d become Wonder Woman. As a girl on the magical island of Themiscyra (played once again by the poised and perfectly cast Lilly Aspell), she competes in an arduous challenge of strength and skill against women twice her age and height. This whole section soars—the camerawork and editing put us right in the middle of the action, and Hans Zimmer’s score sweeps us along. The memory also efficiently establishes Diana’s fearlessness and ability as well as the important lesson she learns about the nature of truth that will become relevant down the road. It is the film’s high point; nothing else will match it in terms of visual cohesion or emotional impact.

Flash forward to 1984. Diana Prince is now living in Washington D.C. (at The Watergate, amusingly) and working as an archaeologist at the Smithsonian, using her expertise and language skills to study ancient artifacts. Being ageless makes her a glamorous and elegant but lonely figure. (Costume designer Lindy Hemming plays off Gadot’s height and her character’s heritage by placing her in regal, drapey outfits that emphasize her length.) We see Diana sitting alone at a table at an outdoor cafe, smiling at passers-by, yearning to make a connection. It’s the film’s most quietly moving moment.

So when mousey new co-worker Dr. Barbara Minerva arrives and meekly asks if she’d like to have lunch, Diana doesn’t quite know how to respond because she doesn’t really have friends. But the two soon hit it off, because Barbara is also a misfit in her own way. Kristen Wiig is subtly hilarious in these early scenes as the sweetly goofy, warmhearted researcher. The chemistry she and Gadot share when they meet for drinks at happy hour, the Washington Monument gleaming behind them in the distance, made me wish they were starring in a mismatched buddy comedy instead. The role allows Wiig to deliver her lines with the sly, self-deprecating deadpan that’s her trademark; it seems effortless but actually requires pinpoint precision. But watching her stretch and develop into a villainous figure as the film progresses has its own joys. It’s a huge change of pace for the comedian, and she rises to the occasion both physically and emotionally.

You see, Barbara gets her hands on a mysterious stone that comes into the lab, which she and Diana determine is the kind that grants one wish to the bearer. Diana wishes she could once again be with her love, Pine’s Steve Trevor, now deceased for seven decades. Barbara wishes she could be more like Diana: confident, strong, sexy. But then—get this—a whole ‘nother person enters the lab under the guise of being a benefactor when he actually wants the stone for his own nefarious purposes. He’s Pedro Pascal as fluffy-haired TV con man Maxwell Lord, a fake oil tycoon promising prosperity to the masses. Crafting a wealthy façade and living beyond his means, Maxwell Lord is an archetype of the era. But beyond his shameless hunger for power and respect, there isn’t much to this character, and Pascal’s portrayal grows increasingly cartoonish. A sensitive performer, he’s afforded the opportunity to show more range beneath his Beskar steel helmet and armor on “The Mandalorian.”

The bulk of the overlong “WW84” running time is devoted to the chaos that ensues when wish-fulfillment runs amok. The script meanders awkwardly between all three of these characters as they either explore their newfound powers or the consequences of their choices. Along the way, the rules for wishing on the stone keep changing in whatever way is convenient to keep the plot chugging along. But some genuinely thrilling moments emerge along to the way to the generically shiny, noisy climax, including a heart-pounding chase across the Egyptian desert that allows Diana to reveal both her resourcefulness and her kindness. And Barbara’s transformation from unassuming scientist to ass-kicking seductress is a pleasure to behold, mainly because the evolution of her clothes and hair are so great and she seems to be having the most fun of anyone on screen. (The same cannot be said for Gadot and Pine this time, whose connection is weirdly inert despite the potential poignancy of being reunited with your one true love.) Sure, Barbara eventually turns into the comic book villainess Cheetah and resembles a refugee from “Cats,” but until then, her arc is the most interesting element of the film.

At the end of this Dumpster fire of a year, though, “Wonder Woman 1984” does deliver a welcome escape, as well as a much-needed message of hope. We’ll take such diversions where we can get them these days, either spread out at a theater or from the safety of your couch at home. It’s fine. Sometimes, it even soars. But it could have been wondrous.

Available on HBO Max and in theaters on December 25.

Ranked: The Top 10 Most Powerful Marvel Superheroes In Marvel Today

 Ranked: The Top 10 Most Powerful Marvel Superheroes In Marvel Today

05 Jan 2021 | By Administrator

The Marvel Universe is chalked full of powerful superheroes. There are some who can fly across great distances, some who can project an immeasurable amount of energy, some who can destroy planets, some who are immortal, and some who are all of the above and then some.

And it’s the “and then some” that most intrigues me.

After watching Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 2 and seeing Ego again, I got to thinking about the most powerful Marvel superheroes. Initially, I came up with the most obvious choices (Thor, Dr. Strange Hulk, etc). However, after giving it more thought, I began to see that these superheroes don’t even come close to the power that’s actually in the Marvel Universe.

So what did I do?

I threw out my initial thoughts and started to research. At the conclusion of my research, I realized that there are some incredible beings in Marvel that could destroy any one of the mainstream heroes with the wink of an eye.

Who are they you ask?

Good question.

Here are The Top 10 Most Powerful Marvel Superheroes Today.

10. Black Bolt

Don’t know why Black Bolt deserves to be here? Read on my friend. Read on.

First appearing in Fantastic Four #45, Black Bolt is the most powerful of all the Inhumans. This includes characters who can rupture the hearts of their opponents by tuning into their vibrations, read and take control of others’ minds, manipulate the four Earthly elements, and teleport themselves across time and space. Not only does he have the strength, speed, durability, and stamina to rival any of the Inhumans, but he also has a quasi-sonic scream that could collapse an entire planet if he wanted to. 

Yep. His scream.

Black Bolt’s scream is what defines him. Due to the devastation it can and has caused, he has gone through rigorous training to never utter a sound. This includes the sounds made while sleeping, eating, and the everyday moments of life.

9. Gladiator

Don’t let his mohawk deceive you. Gladiator is immensely powerful.

Due to his alien D.N.A., Gladiator possesses superhuman strength. While the term “superhuman strength” is often thrown around to describe many superheroes, understand that for Gladiator it means that he can rip apart black holes, shatter planets, and stand tall against the Phoenix Force. He also possesses heat vision hotter than a star, hearing capable of listening in on conversations from Lightyear’s away, frost breath, telescopic vision, accelerated healing, has resistance to telepathic attacks, and can move across the galaxy quicker than you could recover from a sneeze.

And that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

Where Gladiator becomes really powerful is when his confidence is running high. When this happens, most of his powers become immeasurable. In fact, in one encounter with the Fantastic Four, Gladiator was actually able to lift the Baxter Building right off the ground. 

Right off the ground…

8. Adam Warlock

In his first few iterations, Adam Warlock was not nearly as powerful as he is today. In truth, if this list of most powerful Marvel superheroes was based on his first few iterations, he wouldn’t even have made it on the honorary mentions list.

Luckily, this list isn’t based on his first few iterations. 

While Adam Warlock is powerful (superhuman strength, speed, durability, stamina, agility, cosmic energy projection, flight, and recuperation), it isn’t his innate power that lands him on this list. Instead, it’s the fact that he possesses and controls the Soul Gem.

The Soul Gem has a consciousness of its own…and its consciousness has a thirst for the life energy of all organic beings. This means that it actively seeks to destroy others. Once taken by the Soul Gem, its victim’s souls are destined to forever live inside of it. 

7. Sentry

Sentry is Marvel’s long-awaited answer to one simple question…

For years, fans of comics wondered if Marvel would ever create an equivalent to Superman. For years they wondered if any character under their banner would ever be able to stand toe-to-toe against DC’s flagship character. And for years they wondered why Marvel didn’t answer their questions. 

Well, after years of wondering, Marvel finally answered.

Sentry is Marvel’s Superman. As Superman 2.0, he has more power than he knows what to do with. Not only is he capable of incredible feats of strength, but he can also bend time, teleport, manipulate the weather, heal from practically anything, is invulnerable, and so much more.

To say that Sentry is overpowered just isn’t enough. His power is so much that very few rival him. 

6. Vulcan

Vulcan is the lesser-known of the three Summers brothers. Like his two brothers (Scott and Alex), Vulcan (Gabriel) possesses incredible power. Unlike his two brothers (and most of his relatives), Vulcan can do practically anything he can think of.
  • Flight near the speed of light 
  • Force field generation and manipulation 
  • Can solidify energy into solid objects
  • Energy absorption, transformation, manipulation, and projection
  • Regeneration
  • Can take energy from other mutants and bend it to his will
  • Resistant to Psionic attacks
  • Can go extended periods without the need for food
  • Interstellar travel
  • Can manipulate the energy in another’s brain giving him access to their powers
With a power set like this, it’s no wonder that Vulcan has been A) classified as an Omega level mutant and B) finds himself firmly on this list of most powerful Marvel superheroes.

Oh, and before you say it. While Vulcan has appeared as a supervillain, he has also appeared as a superhero.

5. Odin

It should come as no surprise that Odin makes an appearance on this most powerful Marvel superheroes list. He’s the son of Bor, the biological father of Thor, the adopted father of Loki, and the King of Asgard.

None of these, however, land him on this list. 

For all the strength that Thor has and for all the magic and intelligence that Loki possesses, Odin is superior to both in every way possible. Odin isn’t only one of the most powerful Marvel superheroes in existence, but he’s also one of the most powerful superheroes in all of comics. This is so much that his entry into any battle instantly tips the scales in the favor of whichever side he’s on.

4. Franklin Richards

As nothing more than a child, it’s surprising that Franklin Richards even makes this most powerful Marvel superheroes list, isn’t it? By all accounts, he shouldn’t be anything special…he looks like a simple boy. 

But a simple boy he isn’t and special he is.

Franklin Richards has the ability to warp existing realities and create new ones as he sees fit. He’s also able to jump through time and cause entire universes to collapse into themselves. Franklin’s list of impressive feats is long. Since coming to comics over 50 years ago, he has taken down Mephisto, made Galactus his Herald, created multiple pocket dimensions, and caused flowers to grow from the Mad Celestials.

If it sounds like Franklin can do practically anything he wants, it’s because he can. In the world of most powerful Marvel superheroes, Franklin Richards has very few equals. 

3. Quasar

Although there have been plenty of versions of the Quasar character, each has one thing in common…the Quantum Bands. 

The Quantum Bands are the creation of Eon and were designed to be worn by the Protector of the Universe. When worn, the Bands become attached to the wearer and link themselves to the person’s nervous system. The Quantum Bands grant the wearer the power of energy manipulation. Not just any energy manipulation, however. The Bands tap into the limitless energy of the Quantum Zone. This energy allows Quasar to explode stars, redirect the energy of beings like the Silver Surfer, Adam Warlock, and Thanos, and with careful training, withstand psionic attacks. Once inside the Quantum Zone, Quasar can instantly jump to any point in the Universe. The Gems that the Bands are made from also allow the wearer to process information no matter the complexity and to track energy across incredible distances. 

As the Protector of the Universe, it’s easy to see why Quasar makes this list of most powerful Marvel superheroes. 

2. Silver Surfer

First appearing inside the pages of Fantastic Four #48, the Silver Surfer is easily one of the most powerful Marvel Superheroes.

Here’s why.


The Silver Surfer is imbued with the Power Cosmic. With it, he’s given superhuman endurance, strength, and is able to both absorb and manipulate the Universe’s ambient energy. He’s also able to travel across time and space and knows nearly no limit to the speed by which he can do either. In addition, he does not need sleep and projects energy in whichever way he wants. This means that he can destroy planets, create forcefields, heal those around him, create interdimensional portals, manipulate and phase through solid matter, and can control the astral plane.

If the above isn’t enough, he can also see through time, perceive past and future events, can influence human emotion and thoughts, and possesses telepathy. 


1. Uatu

It’s been said that a good education is a key to power. If that’s true, then Uatu leads the Marvel Universe in power. Uatu is a member of one of the oldest groups of beings in the galaxy, The Watchers. As a member of The Watchers, Uatu has been assigned to watch over the Earth and record its events.

Uatu is power defined. 
  • Telepathy
  • Flight
  • Forcefields that negate the power of incoming attacks
  • Appearance altering
  • Can watch over an immeasurable amount of events simultaneously (Earthbound and otherwise) 
  • Can convert his body to energy to travel across great distances
  • Energy manipulation 
  • Is able to cast illusions
  • Immortality unless he chooses to die
  • Can transport himself and others around him through time
Having watched over and studied multiple areas of the Multiverse, Uatu is the most educated being in the Marvel Universe. Imagine that. Imagine coming face to face with someone who knows more about you and everything around you than you will ever know…

That’s power.

And that’s it. The Top 10 Most Powerful Marvel Superheroes. What do you think? Who would make your most powerful Marvel superheroes list?

Officially Ranked: The Top 10 Most Powerful Marvel Supervillains

 Officially Ranked: The Top 10 Most Powerful Marvel Supervillains

05 Jan 2021 | By administration

As Newton said, “for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction”. 

The world requires balance. For every bit of sunshine, there’s a rainstorm. For every fast there is slow. And for every good, there is evil.

Comic books are no different. For them to work, there must be forces opposing one another…and there are. Comic books have done a phenomenal job of creating characters, landscapes, dimensions, and realities in opposition to one another. For example…
  • Dr. Strange and Dormammu
  • Fantastic Four and Dr. Doom
  • Avengers and Thanos
  • Thor and Loki
  • Green Goblin and Spider-Man 
A little while back, I counted down the Top 10 Most Powerful Marvel Superheroes. The list included heroes like Odin, Adam Warlock, Franklin Richards, and Black Bolt. At its conclusion, I felt unfinished. To alleviate this feeling, I began constructing a list of the most powerful Marvel supervillains.

Now, in an effort to achieve balance, I’d like to bring it to you.  

10. Apocalypse

Apocalypse is considered the first mutant in existence. As the first mutant, Apocalypse is multiple millennia years old. As a character who’s multiple millennia years old, Apocalypse has amassed a database of knowledge only privy to a few. And if the saying “knowledge is power” is true, Apocalypse has no shortage of power.

If for whatever reason, his knowledge fails him, Apocalypse is a mutant who won the gene pool won when powers were being handed out. Due to his mutation, Apocalypse can alter his size, connect with any technology, possesses regeneration, shapeshifting, super strength, and near invulnerability. 

And that’s not all.

Apocalypse also has the ability to grant power to others. Once given power, these unlucky ones become known as his Four Horseman. The Four Horseman are then forced to spend their existence doing his every bidding. 

9. Kang the Conqueror

Different from a few others of the most powerful Marvel supervillains on this list, Kang has time working in his favor. That is, he has time travel working in his favor.

Kang is actually Nathaniel Richards and Nathaniel Richards hails from the future. As a man from the future, Kang was fascinated with the past. This led him to discover some time-traveling technology. With technology, Richards traveled forward and backward through time. By traveling forward, he discovered highly advanced technology that he could use to defeat his enemies of the past. 

Kang is A) one of the most intelligent supervillains alive, B) a superior combatant, and C) one of Earth’s greatest tacticians. He wears a battle suit that grants him increased strength, the ability to project energy, forcefields, and holograms. The suit also allows him to survive for extended periods of time without food or water. In addition to the already mentioned, Kang can control most forms of technology and is resistant to radiation.

8. Magneto

First appearing in X-Men #1 back in 1963, Magneto has been both a supervillain and a superhero. No matter which side of the battle he’s on, he’s always one of the most powerful characters on the battlefield. 

Magneto is an Omega-Level mutant who can control the Earth’s metal. This means that he can bend it, shape it, throw it, mold it, use it as a weapon, fly with it, and more. Magneto is such a force to be reckoned with that he has single handily stopped the Avengers in their tracks and caused the X-Men to retreat on more than one occasion. 

Magneto is the opposite of what the X-Men have stood for since the beginning of time. While they promote peace and harmony, he wants mutant supremacy. This in conjunction with his hatred of humans easily lands him on this most powerful Marvel supervillains list. 

7. Dr. Doom

As the ruler of Latveria, Dr. Doom is a villain that everyone is Marvel is afraid of. He’s a practitioner of magic, a brilliant scientist, has an incredible knowledge of all weapons, and can build anything that he thinks of. When he first appeared, he was considered the mortal enemy of the Fantastic Four. Over time, however, his villainy has spilled over to just about every hero alive. 

Unfortunately, none of the above is what makes him one of the most powerful Marvel supervillains. What makes him this is that he will do whatever it takes to succeed. He has killed, maimed, enslaved, tortured, and held others hostage to achieve whatever definition he gives victory.

6. Thanos

On his own, Thanos is one of the most feared beings in Marvel. Not only does he possess superhuman strength, endurance, reflexes, and agility, but he’s also one of the most intelligent characters in Marvel Comics. Once he’s collected and put the Infinity Gems, now Stones to use, he’s nearly unstoppable. 

The Time, Space, Soul, Mind, Power, and Reality Stones give Thanos the power to do practically anything he wants. With them, Thanos becomes all-powerful. He can bend reality, travel through time, control others, warp space, give and take away life, and more.  This sort of power wouldn’t normally be a problem. For a character bent on ruling the entire galaxy, it’s a big problem. As such, including Thanos on this list of the most powerful Marvel supervillains is as easy as going to bed when you’re overtired.

5. Mephisto

Mephisto is the Devil of Marvel Universe. He resides in the underworld and spends his time concocting plans of pure evil and chaos. As the Devil of the Marvel Universe, Mephisto controls an army of demons that could obliterate the Earth at a moment’s notice. This, more than his power, is what makes him so powerful.

What is his power?

Mephisto is immortal, has both superhuman strength and speed, can shapeshift, is able to alter time and memory, and can, through negotiation, take the souls of his opponents. Worse yet, once he takes the souls of others, he becomes even more powerful. 

4. Dormammu 

Not only is Dormammu one of the most fun names to say in comics, but he is also more powerful than most on this list. 

Dormammu was created by the legendary team of Steve Ditko and Stan Lee. He first appeared inside the pages of Strange Tales #126 and has been wreaking havoc on the Marvel Universe since. Dormammu is one of the most powerful beings around. Through the Dark Dimension he’s capable of energy projection, matter manipulation, teleportation, necromancy, size altering, he can give his power to others and can create Demon Lords.

And that’s not the most remarkable part of Dormammu and the Dark Dimension. 

The most remarkable part about Dormammu and the Dark Dimension is twofold. First, Dormammu rules all. Second, time and space cease to exist. Because of this, any spells that Dormammu casts inside it are truly forever and unbreakable…

3. Galactus

Galactus is an incredible force that goes around looking for worlds to consume. His reasons for this aren’t entirely villainous, however. He does this because the worlds provide him sustenance. That is, without consuming worlds, he would die. 

Rather than find the worlds himself, Galactus gives other beings great power in exchange for their servitude. Once under the employment of Galactus, these beings (Heralds) travel throughout the galaxy looking for uninhabited worlds for their master. Because they’ve been given power by Galactus, should they encounter any trouble when selecting worlds, they are more than equipped in dealing with it. 

What I’m saying is that when a character is known as the “Eater of Worlds”, it’s no surprise that they are one of the most powerful Marvel supervillains. 

2. Beyonder

Created by Mike Zeck and Jim Shooter, the Beyonder is a cosmic entity that is near-omnipotent, near-omniscient, and near-omnipresent. He first appeared during the famed Secret Wars of 1984 and has reappeared countless times since. In his first appearance, he was the character responsible for gathering Marvel’s greatest heroes and villains and forcing them to fight in a battle royale. He did this because he wanted to witness the never-ending battle of good vs evil. 

Since then, his powers have diminished, albeit in an almost inconsequential way. No matter his power level, he’s still himself proven capable of sending Galactus away on a whim, destroying and creating galaxies just because, and destroying and recreating the entity called Death. 

1. Phoenix Force

Like the mythological bird that we all know, the Phoenix brings death and rises anew from the ashes it leaves behind. The Phoenix Force is an ultimate power within the Marvel Universe. It’s both without change and immortal and is born of the void between states of beings. It’s also the center point of all Psionic Energy that has existed, does exist, and will ever exist. 

Even though over the years it has made Jean Grey a priority, it has possessed many other characters.
  • Cyclops
  • Colossus
  • Magik
  • Namor
  • Emma Frost
The Phoenix Force grants its host galaxy-altering abilities. For example, when it took control of Jean Grey, she was able to cause planet-wide genocide…and she did. The Phoenix Force is as powerful or more powerful than any other on this list of most powerful Marvel supervillains. While you may disagree with me labeling it a supervillain, remember, it lives to kill.

And that’s it. The Top 10 Most Powerful Marvel Supervillains. What do you think? Who would make your most powerful Marvel supervillains list?

Monday, January 4, 2021

7 Fastest Cars in the World

 7 Fastest Cars in the World

There has always been competition among car manufacturers to make the fastest car in the world. In 1987, the automotive world was left in awe when the Ferrari F40 became the first production car to break the 200 mph barrier. Since then we have seen some of the fastest cars come and go.

Below are the top 7 fastest cars in the world right now:

10) Aston Martin ONE-77 (220 MPH)

Aston Martin ONE-77 is a limited production British supercar with only 77 total produced. The ONE-77 features a massive 7.3 V12 engine that produces 750HP and 800 lb-ft of torque. It accelerates from 0-60 mph in 3.5 seconds and goes all the way up to 220 mph, which makes it the 10th fastest car in the world.


9) Pagani Huayra (230 MPH)

Pagani Huayra is an Italian hypercar produced by Pagani automotive. Although Huayra is mostly praised for its drop-dead gorgeous looks, this car is seriously fast. It features a 6.0L AMG V12 engine that churns out 730HP. The Huayra can go up to a speed of 230 mph.

8) Zenvo ST1 (233 MPH)

Zenvo ST1 is one of the newest supercars on the market, just making its public debut in 2013 at the World Luxury Expo at the Magnificant Emirates Palace. Hailing from Denmark, this car features a 6.8L V8 engine that allows the car to hit an impressive speed of 233 mph.


7) McLaren F1 (241 MPH)

Considered by many as one of the greatest cars ever built, the McLaren F1 ruled the 90s with its unmatched performance figures at the time. It has a mind-blowing top speed of 241 mph, which made it the fastest car in the world at the time.

Sunday, January 3, 2021

How to Lose Weight Fast: 3 Simple Steps, Based on Science

How to Lose Weight Fast: 3 Simple Steps, Based on Science

3 Jan 2021 | By Administrator

If your doctor recommends it, there are ways to lose weight safely. A steady weight loss of 1 to 2 pounds per week is recommended for the most effective long-term weight management.

That said, many eating plans leave you feeling hungry or unsatisfied. These are major reasons why you might find it hard to stick to a healthier eating plan.

However, not all diets have this effect. Low carb diets and whole-food, lower-calorie diets are effective for weight loss and may be easier to stick to than other diets.

Here are some ways to lose weight that employ healthy eating, potentially lower carbs, and that aim to:

reduce your appetite
cause fast weight loss
improve your metabolic health at the same time

1. Cut back on refined carbs

One way to lose weight quickly is to cut back on sugars and starches, or carbohydrates. This could be with a low carb eating plan or by reducing refined carbs and replacing them with whole grains.

When you do that, your hunger levels go down, and you generally end up eating fewer calories.

With a low carb eating plan, you’ll utilize burning stored fat for energy instead of carbs.

If you choose to eat more complex carbs like whole grains along with a calorie deficit, you’ll benefit from higher fiber and digest them more slowly. This makes them more filling to keep you satisfied.

A 2020 study confirmed that a very low carbohydrate diet was beneficial for losing weight in older populations. Research also suggests that a low carb diet can reduce appetite, which may lead to eating fewer calories without thinking about it or feeling hungry.

Note that the long-term effects of a low carb diet are still being researched. It can also be difficult to adhere to a low carb diet, which may lead to yo-yo dieting and less success in maintaining a healthy weight. There are potential downsides to a low carb diet that may lead you to a different method. Reduced calorie diets can also lead to weight loss and be easier to maintain for longer periods of time.

If you opt for a diet focusing instead on whole grains over refined carbs, a 2019 study correlated high whole grain with lower body mass index (BMI) (4Trusted Source).

To determine the best way for you to lose weight, consult your doctor for recommendations.


Reducing sugars and starches, or carbs, from your diet can help curb your appetite, lower your insulin levels, and make you lose weight.

But the long-term effects of a low carb diet are not yet known. A reduced-calorie diet could be more sustainable.

2. Eat protein, fat, and vegetables

Each one of your meals should include:

a protein source
fat source
a small portion of complex carbohydrates, such as whole grains
To see how you can assemble your meals, check out:

  • this low carb meal plan
  • this lower calorie meal plan
  • these lists of 101 healthy low carb recipes and low-calorie foods
  • Protein
Eating a recommended amount of protein is essential to help preserve your health and muscle mass while losing weight.

Evidence suggests that eating adequate protein may improve cardiometabolic risk factors, appetite, and body weight, (6Trusted Source, 7Trusted Source, 8Trusted Source).

Here’s how to determine how much you need to eat without eating too much. Many factors determine your specific needs, but generally, an average person needs (9Trusted Source):
  • 56–91 grams per day for the average male
  • 46–75 grams per day for the average female
Diets with adequate protein can also help:

  • reduce cravings and obsessive thoughts about food by 60%
  • reduce the desire to snack late at night by half
  • make you feel full
  • In one study, people on a higher protein diet ate 441 fewer calories per day (10Trusted Source, 11Trusted Source).

Healthy protein sources include:
  • meat: beef, chicken, pork, and lamb
  • fish and seafood: salmon, trout, and shrimp
  • eggs: whole eggs with the yolk
  • plant-based proteins: beans, legumes, quinoa, tempeh, and tofu
Low carb and leafy green vegetables
Don’t be afraid to load your plate with leafy green vegetables. They’re packed with nutrients, and you can eat very large amounts without greatly increasing calories and carbs.

Vegetables to include for low carb or low-calorie eating plans:
  • broccoli
  • cauliflower
  • spinach
  • tomatoes
  • kale
  • Brussels sprouts
  • cabbage
  • Swiss chard
  • lettuce
  • cucumber
  • Healthy fats
  • Don’t be afraid of eating fats.
Your body still requires healthy fats no matter what eating plan you choose. Olive oil and avocado oil are great choices for including in your eating plan.

Other fats such as butter and coconut oil should be used only in moderation due to their higher saturated fat content.


Assemble each meal out of a protein source, healthy fat source, complex carb, and vegetables.

Leafy green vegetables are a great way to bulk up a meal with low calories and lots of nutrients.

3. Move your body
Exercise, while not required to lose weight, can help you lose weight more quickly. Lifting weights has particularly good benefits.

By lifting weights, you’ll burn lots of calories and prevent your metabolism from slowing down, which is a common side effect of losing weight (13, 14Trusted Source, 15Trusted Source).

Try going to the gym three to four times a week to lift weights. If you’re new to the gym, ask a trainer for some advice. Make sure your doctor is also aware of any new exercise plans.

If lifting weights is not an option for you, doing some cardio workouts such as walking, jogging, running, cycling, or swimming is very beneficial for weight loss and general health.

Both cardio and weightlifting can help with weight loss.


Resistance training, such as weightlifting, is a great option for losing weight. If that’s not possible, cardio workouts are also effective.

Choose what’s sustainable for you.

Saturday, January 2, 2021

7 Scary Bird Species

7 Scary Bird Species

Jan 02, 2021, | by administrator

1. Shoebill Stork (Balaeniceps rex)

The Shoebill Stork, also called the Whalehead Stork, is found in East-Central Africa. Shoebills can grow up to 55 inches (around 4 ½ feet) tall and use their huge bills to hunt for snacks such as lungfish, snakes, and even baby crocodiles.

 2. King Vulture (Sarcoramphus papa)

​The King Vulture, found from Mexico to Argentina, lives up to its name as the king of the scavenger birds. Its strong hooked beak is the ideal tool for ripping into tough carcasses, giving the King Vulture an advantage over other scavengers.

3. Marabou Stork 

Capable of growing to a massive 66 inches, the powerful Marabou Stork towers over other bird species. Like many storks, the Marabou is a scavenger, and it’s strange, the featherless head is an adaptation to avoid messy plumage when feeding on animal carcasses. The Marabou Stork will eat anything it can get its claws into – including human garbage such as shoes – and if harassed will lash out. Reports of children being killed by Marabous are not unheard of in its native southern Africa.  

4. Andean Condor 

The Andean Condor is a national symbol of Peru, Ecuador, Chile, Argentina, Bolivia, and Colombia. Like most vultures, its head and neck are almost featherless, but in addition, the Andean Condor’s skin changes color in response to its emotional state. The huge wingspan of the Andean Condor allows it to soar for long periods of time without flapping its wings.  

5. Southern Cassowary 

Found in the Australian rainforest, Cassowaries are shy and solitary birds that feed on fruit. Though from afar the Cassowary may seem harmless, when disturbed by humans it responds by violently attacking with kicking and clawing — often until killing its victim. Reputed as the world’s most dangerous bird, Cassowaries are very difficult to keep in zoos because of frequent attacks on zookeepers.  

6. Great Skua 

Though they may not look as scary as the others on our list, Great Skuas are equally terrifying for their violent personalities. When hunger hits, skuas don’t hesitate to violently attack other birds and steal their catch. If a stolen fish isn’t filling enough, the Great Skua will kill and eat other bird species such as puffins and gulls.  

7. Great Potoo

The Great Potoo is a nocturnal species that spends its days camouflaging itself while perching on tree branches. At night, the Great Potoo’s distinct and unsettling call permeates forests across Central and South America as it hunts for rodents. Its eyelids have adapted with tiny holes in them, allowing the Great Potoo to see everything at all times, even with its eyes closed.  

Did we miss any other scary birds? If any then kindly tell me on the comment.

Friday, January 1, 2021



Mountaineers climbing Everest, the highest mountain in the world.

The highest mountain in the world is Mount Everest. It’s pretty famous. The big pointy thing in the Himalayas in Nepal. Sits up at 8,848m. It’s a really high mountain. Everyone knows about Mount Everest. Most people also know the second-highest mountain in the world is K2. But very few people know the third highest mountain in the world is called Kangchenjunga. Or how to spell that. It’s not quite as simple as ‘K2’, that’s for sure. So how many of the highest mountains in the world do you really know?

By the time you get onto the rest of the 10 highest mountains in the world, most don’t have a clue. Why would you? Mount Everest is hogging all the fame. And the more commonly known Seven Summits – the highest mountains on each of the seven continents in the world – don’t make much of an appearance on this list. A top 10 of the world’s highest mountains contains itself exclusively to Asia.

So let’s do this. Let’s help you learn the top 10 highest mountains in the world. Let’s help you cheat in this pub quiz you’re probably competing in right now, phone under the table, connected to dodgy Wi-Fi. Don’t feel bad. Everyone’s doing it. That team with the dog was definitely cheating in the music round. Here are the 10 highest mountains in the world.


The highest mountain in the world

Arrive at first sight of Everest on a road trip through the Himalayas of Tibet.

First climbed by Sir Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay in 1953, Mount Everest is, of course, the highest mountain in the world. Everest has come under a lot of scrutinies recently. Photographs showing enormous queues near the summit have opened a huge debate about overcrowding on Everest.

One thing’s for sure though, the inherent draw of Mount Everest is not going to go away any time soon. Mankind is drawn to the mountain like moths to a flame. As well as those looking to take the route from Everest Base Camp to the summit, trekking to Everest Base Camp itself is also hugely popular. In fact, it’s become one of the world’s most famous multi-day treks.

P.S. If you are currently cheating at a pub quiz on the question “what is the highest mountain in the world?”, then we would suggest that it’s relatively unlikely you’re going to win the quiz. Unless you cheat a bunch more.


The 2nd highest mountain in the world

K2 mountain in Pakistan. 
The second highest mountain in the world is K2. The mountain took its name from the notation used by the Great Trigonometrical Survey of British India. At the time, there wasn’t an apparent local name for the mountain, and so it stuck. K2 is also nicknamed the ‘Savage Mountain’, which is cool in a slightly Point Break, over-the-top extreme kind of way. It is fitting, though, too. The mountain is typically considered one of the toughest mountains in the world to climb, notoriously harder than Mount Everest. K2 actually has the second-highest fatality rate per summit attempt of all mountains over 8000m, with around 300 successful summits and 77 deaths. The highest fatality rate is that of the tenth highest mountain in the world (spoiler alert), Annapurna I in Nepal. Unlike Annapurna though, K2 has never been summited in winter.


The 3rd highest mountain in the world

Sunrise on Mount Kanchenjunga, Himalayan mountain range, Sikkim, India. The third highest mountain in the world. 

So you knew Mount Everest was the highest mountain in the world. You even knew K2 was the second highest. But we’re betting if you asked most people what Kangchenjunga was, they’d guess it was some kind of street food. It is not. Kangchenjunga is the third highest mountain in the world. It can be found between Nepal and Sikkim in India, with three of the peaks on the border and the other two in the Taplejung District of Nepal.

Kangchenjunga was actually thought to be the highest mountain in the world until 1852. This wasn’t because people didn’t know about Mount Everest, but because they had done their calculations wrong. After further homework by the Great Trigonometrical Survey of India, it was discovered that actually Kangchenjunga was the third highest mountain in the world, and children around the world breathed a sigh of relief that they would be primarily learning about Mount Everest instead, a mountain which is significantly easier to both say and spell.


the 4th highest mountain in the world

Lhotse mountain peak, the fourth highest mountain in the world, Himalayas mountain range, Nepal, Asia.
Lhotse is one of the more famous mountains on any list of the top 10 highest mountains in the world, largely because of its proximity to Mount Everest. The route up Lhotse is the same as that up Mount Everest from Everest Base Camp until you pass Camp 3 and then depart to the Reiss couloir from the Lhotse Face, from where the peak of Lhotse is reached.

Lhotse is a little like the neglected younger sibling of Mount Everest. Everest gets all the attention while Lhotse, though often considered more visually attractive, is significantly less busy. While the main summit of Lhotse was first climbed in 1956, the Lhotse Middle actually remained the highest unclimbed, named point on Earth for decades. It was eventually first scaled in 2011 by a Russian expedition.


the 5th highest mountain in the world

Imja Tse and Makalu view on the way to Everest Base Camp in Sagarmatha National Park, Himalayas, Nepal. 
Makalu is the third of the four 8000m-high mountains in the Everest Massif in Nepal. It was first summited by a French expedition led by Jean Franco in 1955. Their ascent was most notable for the fact that a full ten members of the expedition team summited the mountain on the trip. In those days, it was normally only one or two climbers from each team who reached the top of the mountain on an expedition, so this was a huge deal at the time, and generally, it’s just quite nice, isn’t it? The first two summited on 15 May 1955, then four more went up the next day, then four more went up the day after that. Just very wholesome mountain climbing, really.


the 6th highest mountain in the world 

Cho Oyu mountain peak, the sixth highest peak in the world, Himalayas mountain range, Nepal, Asia.
The fourth and final member of the Everest region’s 8000m club is Cho Oyu. The sixth highest mountain in the world at 8188m, Cho Oyu is considered the easiest of the 8000m mountains to climb due to the gentler slopes of the ascent. It’s also just a few kilometers away from the Nangpa La pass, a major trading route between the Tibetan and Khumbu Sherpas. If the four mountains in the Everest region over 8000m were in a boyband, Cho Oyu would be the laid back, easy-going back-up singer. Not the most flamboyant one, but probably the most relatable. The mountain of the people. If you’re wondering, Lhotse would be the best vocalist, always getting its limelight stolen by Everest’s over-the-top hairstyles, and Makalu would be somewhere in the background just trying to make sure everyone got along. Weird analogy. We know. Let’s move swiftly on.


the 7th highest mountain in the world

A close-up view of Dhaulagiri I in the Nepal Himalayas, the seventh highest mountain in the world.

The Dhaulagiri in Nepal is the seventh highest mountain in the world at 8167m, and one of the most aesthetically stunning mountains of the lot. The Dhaulagiri was first climbed on 13 May 1960 but is perhaps best known for its visibility on the popular Annapurna Circuit, with Annapurna I just 34km away and the Dhaulagiri a regular feature on the skyline while trekking Annapurna. The mountains are separated by the world’s deepest gorge – the Kaligandaki Gorge – so it’s not a part of the world that’s particularly struggling for scenery.


the 8th highest mountain in the world

Manaslu, the eighth highest mountain in the world in the Himalaya mountains.

Manaslu is the eighth highest mountain in the world, the name actually comes from the Sanskrit word ‘Manasa’, which means “intellect” or “soul”. Manaslu was first scaled by Toshio Imanishi and Gyalzen Norbu, who were part of a Japanese expedition that reached the top of the mountain on 9 May 1956. Their ascent was controversial. Locals of the area had prevented a Japanese team from reaching the top in 1954, believing that previous attempts had displeased the Gods and caused avalanches that destroyed a monastery in the area, killing 18 people. The Japanese made a substantial donation to rebuild the monastery, but this didn’t restore goodwill towards the expeditions and as a result, the second ascent of Manaslu didn’t take place until 1971, when another Japanese team completed the ascent.


The 9th highest mountain in the world

Nanga Parbat. The world’s ninth highest mountain. 

The ninth highest mountain in the world is Nanga Parbat, in the Diamer District of Pakistan’s Gilgit Baltistan region in the western Himalayas. Like many of the other mountains, the name comes from Sanskrit, with ‘nanga’ and ‘private’ meaning ‘naked mountain’. The Tibetan name for the mountain ‘Diamer’, meaning “huge mountain”, is maybe a bit more appropriate (if a little lacking in creativity). Nanga Parbat truly towers over the surrounding, low-lying valleys around it in every direction. The stunning Rupal Face on the mountain rises a full 4,600m above its base and is often called the highest mountain face in the world.


The South Face of Annapurna I

The south face of Annapurna I.

Annapurna I in Nepal is the tenth highest mountain in the world, and one of the most famous mountains on this list courtesy of the fact that the trekking in Annapurna is truly world-renowned. Annapurna I may be only the tenth highest mountain in the world, but it actually has a higher fatality rate than any other mountain on this list, with 32% of attempts to reach the top of the mountain resulting in a fatality.

Far more popular than the summit attempt is the Annapurna Circuit Trek, which circumnavigates Annapurna I and takes in views from the Dhaulagiri to the mountain passes of the Annapurna Massif. Treks to the Annapurna Sanctuary, the Base Camp for climbing to the peaks of Annapurna, are also increasingly popular.

And there you have it! Those are the 10 highest mountains in the world. The 10 highest summits. An honorable mention must go out to the amazingly named Gasherbrum I (8080m) on the Pakistan–Chinese border, though. It’s the 11th highest mountain in the world and as such misses out on a place in this list, and on the fame and fortune that comes with it, by a mere 19 meters.