Wednesday, January 6, 2021

The Top 10 Most Powerful DC Superheroes In DC Comics Today

 06 Jan 2021 | By Administration

When it comes to powerful superheroes, very few companies can boast the amount that DC has. I mean, just off the top of my head Superman, Zatanna, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, John Constantine, Raven, Starfire, and Mera come to mind. 

DC, more than most companies, has done an excellent job of creating, developing, and pushing the proper superheroes into the spotlight. Just take a quick look at the ones I mentioned above. There really isn’t a superhero in there that most couldn’t name.

When it came to compiling this list, I wanted to figure out exactly who in DC is the most powerful of the powerful. That is, who could easily overwhelm their opponents with their power. Although I chose a couple of obvious heroes that shouldn’t surprise you, I was able to come up with a couple that might.

Who are they, you ask?

Good question.

Here are The Top 10 Most Powerful DC Superheroes In DC Comics Today.

10. Superman


I’m going to start the list with the most obvious choice. Superman is everything that superheroes aspire to be. He’s brave, fights for what’s right is willing to sacrifice himself for others and powerful beyond measure. Superman is one of/if not the first true superhero ever created and has survived decades of industry-wide changes. 

Superman is on this list of the most powerful DC superheroes because well, he’s the benchmark by which all other superheroes are measured. While some heroes may be more intelligent, better at fighting, and quicker than Superman, none can do everything that he can. 

And what can he do, you ask?

Anything and everything. Just name a superpower and there’s a good chance that he has it. Before we move on, know that I only put him as number 10 because he’s just too obvious a choice for this list.

9. Green Lantern

Green Lantern - Hal Jordan

When you’re a superhero whose limitation is his own imagination, you’re bound to end up on a most powerful DC superheroes list. 

No matter if it’s Hal Jordan, Kyle Rayner, Guy Gardner, John Stewart, Kilowog, Sodam Yot, or Abin Sur, Green Lanterns get their power from the Green Power Ring. With the Green Power Ring, each has the ability to physically create anything they can dream up. If they needed a giant boxing glove, they could create it. If they needed a net, they could create it. And if they needed an entire city filled with people, they could create it.

All that said, the most remarkable thing about the Green Lanterns isn’t the above. Instead, it’s that if one should die, the Ring leaves their side and seeks out a new wearer. This pretty much makes the Green Lanterns forever and unlikely to cease to be. 

8. The Flash

Feared Flash Enemies

If you’re wondering why The Flash is on this list of most powerful DC superheroes, remember this. The Flash can travel back through time and change the future. 

To relaunch their universe in 2011, DC had The Flash going back through time to find out how and why things had changed in the present day. Once there, he learned that his mother was still alive and as a consequence, everything that he knew was longer relevant. The story was called Flashpoint and Flashpoint creatively explored the idea of the Butterfly Effect. 

For reference, the Butterfly Effect is an idea that states the smallest of changes in the initial conditions of something can have the largest consequences in future versions of reality. Or simply, changes to something in the past can have far-reaching effects in the future.

Although the New 52 was a flop, Flashpoint showed the world why The Flash is one of the most powerful superheroes alive.

7. Shazam

5 Things Everyone Gets Wrong About Shazam

When a character has been imbued with the wisdom of Solomon, the strength of Hercules, the stamina of Atlas, the power of Zeus, the courage of Achilles, and the speed of Mercury, there are very few others that can stand up to them. That character is Shazam.

Although he was created before Wonder Woman, Shazam isn’t nearly as well-known. This is mostly due to the decades that he spent in legal limbo. After letting the patent go on his name (Captain Marvel), DC’s rival Marvel Comics quickly scooped it up and trademarked it. This forced DC to act quickly (which they didn’t) and rebrand their character. The resulting rebrand gave the formerly named Captain Marvel the name Shazam. Unfortunately, at the time most were confused by the change and as such, the now named Shazam fell deep into obscurity…which is a shame considering how powerful he is. 

Over the years, Shazam has managed to claw his way back to prominence. This, while great for the character, is terrible for all who oppose him. With the exception of a few, none can match the power of Shazam.

6. Dr. Fate

Dr. Fate

First appearing in More Fun Comics #55 back in May of 1940, Dr. Fate was created by the legendary Gardner Fox and Howard Sherman. 

Although there have been various characters to take on the role, each has roughly the same power set. This is primarily due to the fact that to become Dr. Fate means that the person must have and wear the Helmet of Fate. Once the Helmet of Fate is on their head they are given flight, telekinesis, superhuman strength, elemental and energy control, the ability to create forcefields, invulnerability, telepathy, intangibility, teleportation across dimensions, and spell-casting. 

As a spell-caster, Dr. Fate is nearly unrivaled. In addition to being one of the most powerful DC superheroes, Dr. Fate is also one of the greatest users of magic that DC has to offer. Some might even say that Dr. Fate’s understanding of it, is greater than Dr. Strange’s.

5. Martian Manhunter

Martian Manhunter

Martian Manhunter isn’t only one of the top 10 most powerful DC superheroes alive, he’s easily one of the top 5.

Here’s why.

Martian Manhunter can phase through just about anything, shapeshift, has superhuman speed, durability, strength, and stamina, become invisible, possesses regenerative power, is able to fly and use telepathy, and has enhanced senses. 

If all this makes it sound like he can go toe-to-toe with Superman, it’s because he can. Martian Manhunter is one of the most feared superheroes alive and an invaluable member of the Justice League of America. Martian Manhunter is so powerful that he has tracked the Flash through timelines, bent Gods and Demons to his will, and protected himself from the most violent telepathic attacks. 

Yeah…easily in the top 5.

4. Supergirl


For all the reasons that I named for Superman above, Supergirl is here. Like her famous cousin, Supergirl comes from the planet Krypton. Like her famous cousin, she derives her power from Earth’s yellow sun. And like her famous cousin, there isn’t too much that she can’t do.

Supergirl has an extensive list of powers. She possesses superhuman strength, speed, durability, stamina, hearing, and agility. She also has infrared, telescopic, x-ray, heat, microscopic, and electromagnetic vision. In addition, she is nearly invulnerable, can fly, has a healing factor, and possesses both freeze and wind breath.

And that’s just the beginning.

Supergirl is nearly fast as any in DC, is an expert combatant, and isn’t afraid to die for the greater good. All of these mean that she easily lands on this list.

3. Wonder Woman

Wonder Woman Comic

When you’re the most recognizable female character in the history of comics, you’re bound to be one of the most powerful as well.

I don’t think that DC quite understood what they had when William Moulton Marston created Wonder Woman. I mean, they fought him, balked at him, and allowed people of all professions to question him about her. Thankfully, at the end of the day, all the efforts to stop him failed and as a result, she’s the female superhero that all female superheroes aspire to be.

Wonder Woman is an Amazonian warrior who possesses flight, superhuman strength, speed, durability, and longevity. In addition, she is one of the greatest fighters in DC Comics and carries both the Lasso of Truth and the Sword of Athena. Wonder Woman is as arguably as powerful as Superman (minus an ability or two) and the reason that DC captured a giant segment of the market long before Marvel did.

2. Dr. Manhattan 

Origin of Dr Manhattan

Dr. Manhattan was created by Dave Gibbons and Alan Moore and first appeared in the ever-popular Watchmen graphic novel. 

Before there was Dr. Manhattan, there was Jonathan Osterman. As Jonathan Osterman, he was a student of nuclear physics. One day while working at a secret facility with his better half, Jenny, Osterman wound up locked inside a test chamber. When the generator to the chamber was turned on, Osterman’s body was bombarded with nuclear power. As a result, he was ripped apart and left as someone drastically different. 

Now, Dr. Manhattan, Osterman was given more abilities than McDonald’s has menu items. Of them, the most impressive are space travel, resurrection, size altering, teleportation, time travel, replication, and matter disintegration. To say that Dr. Manhattan is overpowered isn’t doing the character justice. Dr. Manhattan is so powerful that putting him on this list was as easy as putting socks on my feet when they’re cold. 

1. The Spectre

The Spectre

Where do I begin with The Spectre? You may not agree with me but I believe that The Spectre is easily the pinnacle of most powerful DC superheroes. 

Here’s why.

The Spectre is the embodiment of God’s vengeance. As such, he possesses immortality, can warp reality, is able to manipulate both space and time, has limitless control over matter, can see into the future, is near-omnipotent, possesses cosmic awareness, is able to manipulate cosmic energy, and is omniscient. The Spectre can and will do anything he wants. He is the DC Universe’s judge, jury, and executioner. If he deems you unfit for existence, he can and will wipe you from it. 

Put it this way, The Spectre is so powerful that even characters like Superman don’t stand a chance against him.

And that’s it. The Top 10 Most Powerful DC Superheroes. Agree? Disagree? Who would make your powerful DC superheroes list?

Top 33 World’s Strangest Buildings

 06 Jan 2021 | By Administration

What pops into your mind when thinking about modern architecture and its architects? Sleek lines, mind-blowing structures, and the hip, uber-modern creator of it all. Well, that is not the case for some of these crazy buildings. Surely, the creators of Basket House, Gag Building, or the Conch dwelling weren’t your usual modern-day architects.

We have a wonderful collection of the world’s most unusual architecture and together with Bored Panda presents you an incredible list of some of the weird buildings in the world, and best of all, it’s not just another random list, but it is based on many unique visitor votes. So don’t blame panda for this exact order, blame yourself for voting this way, or for not voting at all. Scroll down to check our list with your picks below!

1. Mind House (Barcelona, Spain)

2. The Crooked House (Sopot, Poland)

3. Stone House (Guimarães, Portugal)

4. Lotus Temple (Delhi, India)

5. Cathedral of Brasilia (Brazil)

6. La Pedrera (Barcelona, Spain)

7. Atomium (Brussels, Belgium)

8. Museum of Contemporary Art (Niteroi, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)

9. Kansas City Library (Missouri, USA)

10. Low impact woodland house (Wales, UK)

11. Guggenheim Museum (Bilbao, Spain)

12. Rotating Tower, Dubai, UAE

(Bamboo leaf for Dynamic Architecture â„¢ all rights reserved to Dr. David Fisher)

Have you ever seen a building in motion that changes its shape? Sounds unbelievable but not to Dr. David Fisher. This building will never appear the same twice.

It is fantastic, but you will have the choice of waking up to the sunrise in your bedroom and enjoying sunsets over the ocean at dinner.

In addition to being such an incredible engineering miracle, it will produce energy for itself and even for other buildings because it will have wind turbines fitted between each rotating floor (picture 2). So an 80-story building will have up to 79 wind turbines, making it a true green power plant.

13. Habitat 67 (Montreal, Canada)

14. Casa da musica (Porto, Portugal)

15. Olympic Stadium (Montreal, Canada)

16. Nautilus House (Mexico City, Mexico)

17. The National Library (Minsk, Belarus)

18. National Theatre (Beijing, China)

19. Conch Shell House, Isla Mujeres, Mexico

20. House Attack (Vienna, Austria)

21. Bibliotheca Alexandrina (Egypt)

22. Cubic Houses (Kubus woningen) (Rotterdam, Netherlands)

23. Ideal Palace (France)

24. The Church of Hallgrimur, Reykjavik, Iceland

25. Eden project (United Kingdom)

26. The Museum of Play (Rochester, USA)

27. Atlantis (Dubai, UAE)

28. Montreal Biosphere (Canada)

29. Wonderworks (Pigeon Forge, TN, USA)

30. The Basket Building (Ohio, USA)

31. Kunsthaus (Graz, Austria)

32. Forest Spiral (Darmstadt, Germany)

33. Wooden Gagster House (Archangelsk, Russia)

Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Heavy snowfall continues all over United States

 Heavy snowfall continues all over the United States

05 Jan 2021 | By Administration

People walk down a snow-covered Chestnut Street in Boston, Massachusetts

WASHINGTON, DC: Heavy snowfall continues across different parts of the United States of  America due to which various cities and states are facing accidents and mishaps. The snowfall had begun in the last days of 2020, which is continuing in many cities. A record snowfall of three to four inches has so far been recorded in various cities. Many vehicles, as well as pedestrians, have been facing various accidents while due to slippery roads. Meanwhile, a number of traffic accidents and incidents of people falling or slipping, have occurred in many areas.

Workers at Google's parent company Alphabet form union

 Workers at Google's parent company Alphabet form union

05 Jan 2021 | By Administration

Employees at Google and other units of its parent firm Alphabet announced the creation of a union on Monday, stepping up a period of activism targeting Silicon Valley giants. The Alphabet Workers Union, affiliated with the Communications Workers of America, aims to represent well-compensated tech workers as well as temporary workers and contractors, according to a statement. The new labor group is focusing not only on pay and benefits as most unions but also a role in ethical decisions by the tech giant and protection from arbitrary firings for activism. 

"We hope to create a democratic process for workers to wield decision-making power; promote social, economic, and environmental justice; and end the unfair disparities between TVCs (temporary, vendors and contractors) and FTEs (full-time employees)," the union's website said. As of the end of December, the union had some 200 members. Large tech firms, which offer generous compensation to software engineers and other skilled workers, have largely avoided labor drives but have faced growing unrest over workplace issues in recent years.

At Amazon, which has tens of thousands of warehouse workers, organizing drives have focused on working conditions and safety during the pandemic. One of the catalysts at Google was the recent firing of Timnit Gebru, a Black artificial intelligence ethics researcher and outspoken diversity activist. The company also faced a backlash from employees over its involvement with a Pentagon project known as Project Maven, which Google eventually ended. "This union builds upon years of courageous organizing by Google workers," said Nicki Anselmo, a Google program manager, and union member. "From... opposing Project Maven, to protesting the egregious, multimillion-dollar payouts that have been given to executives who’ve committed sexual harassment, we’ve seen first-hand that Alphabet responds when we act collectively." 

Asked about the organizing effort, Google's director of people operations Kara Silverstein, said in a statement: "We've always worked hard to create a supportive and rewarding workplace for our workforce. "Of course our employees have protected labor rights that we support. But as we’ve always done, we’ll continue engaging directly with all our employees.”

The move comes with Google and other tech giants under heightened scrutiny by antitrust enforcers in the US and elsewhere for their growing dominance of key economic sectors.

Saudi Arabia reopens land border with Qatar

 Saudi Arabia reopens land border with Qatar

05 Jan 2021 | By Administrations

Abu Samara border crossing to Saudi Arabia in Qatar. Photo Courtesy: Al-Jazeera.

After the land border, Saudi Arabia is set to reopen its airspace and sea border as well. Kuwait and the US have been trying to end the long-sought dispute among the Gulf states. In a bid to resolve the political dispute that led Riyadh and its allies to impose a boycott on Qatar, Saudi Arabia on Tuesday reopened its land border with the latter.

According to the news report published in Al-Jazeera, the announcement came on the eve of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) summit and could pave the way towards ending a three-year-old feud.

Kuwait and the United States have been trying to end the long-sought dispute in which Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, and non-Gulf Egypt severed diplomatic, trade, and travel ties with Qatar in mid-2017.

Qatar has repeatedly denied the allegations and said there was “no legitimate justification” for the severance of relations.

After the resumption of land border activities, Saudi Arabia is set to reopen its airspace and sea border as well, according to Kuwait's foreign minister.

Pakistan status of major non-NATO ally may be terminated | Melania will divorce Donald Trump

 Pakistan status as a major non-NATO ally may be terminated

WASHINGTON: A bill has been introduced by US Republican Congressman Andy Biggs to terminate Pakistan’s designation as a major non-NATO ally.  Currently, there are 17 Major non-NATO allies. The bill to remove Pakistan's special status, which allows access to US defense supplies and participation in cooperative defense research and development programs. Pakistan was given the designation as a major non-NATO ally during the Bush administration in 2004. The bill has been referred to the House Committee on Foreign Affairs. The Economic Times reported that this new bill will also ask the president to certify that Pakistan has shown progress in order to arrest and prosecute senior leaders and mid-level operatives of the Haqqani Network in Pakistan.

Melania will divorce Donald Trump

Melania Trump has made up her mind to part ways with her husband, US President Donald Trump if psychics are to be believed. Also, the divorce may go down in a few months' time, according to their predictions.  A panel of provided a set of new predictions for 2021. They touched on the US president's marriage as well, saying that First Lady Melania Trump will look to divorce her husband "before the summer".
numerologist said that there would be "upheaval" in the Trump household at the same time.

The panel also spoke about the first lady, saying that Melania will move on quickly from Donald Trump and will date "another prominent business figure" before the end of the year but will keep mum about it. 

 Trump to 'rise up and be a huge driving force in the world'

After the initial setback, the stars will align for Trump again, say the psychics. According to the panel, the business magnate and current US president are likely to "go silent for two months" before he rises again.

“He will then rise up and be a huge driving force in the world - bigger and with more influence than he had as President,” the panel said.

The panel said that Donald Trump will also be working on a tell-all book which will feature many behind-the-scenes moments of what went down at the White House during his presidency. 

The psychics said that the US president will have no qualms calling out certain individuals "for their corrupt ways" after the harsh media campaign he had faced during his stint as president.

“What he has to say, and what he reveals, is going to shock and scare the political and business world.”

According to Yahoo Lifestyle, another numerologist had predicted some 'upheaval' in Trump's life before the US elections. Popularly known as "The Numbers Queen", Sarah Yip had said that Trump's "numbers also suggest changes in his home life (peaking March-April-May 2021) due to his 6 Personal Year".

She said that Melania Trump and her son with the US president, Barron Trump, also had an 'upheaval' in their charts.

“This could suggest a move in residence and/or family and marriage transitions," she had said.

Melania Trump waiting for Donald Trump to leave office so she can divorce him: report

A day after Donald Trump's defeat in the 2020 US presidential elections, a former aide to the first lady had claimed that Melania Trump was counting every minute to divorce the president, the Daily Mail had reported.

Fellow ex-aide Omarosa Manigault Newman had claimed the couple's 15-year marriage was over. "Melania is counting every minute until he is out of the office and she can divorce," the report had said.

The source had said that Melania Trump was waiting for her husband to leave the White House as she did not want to humiliate him. "If Melania were to try to pull the ultimate humiliation and leave while he's in office, he [Donald Trump] would find a way to punish her," the report had cited Newman.

Review | Wonder Woman 1984

 Review | Wonder Woman 1984

05 Jan 2021 | By Administration

When “Wonder Woman” came out in 2017, it was a thrilling breath of fresh air, both within the darker realm of DC Comics adaptations and the larger context of bloated summer blockbusters. Director Patty Jenkins’ film offered equal parts muscle and heart, with a perfect tonal balance between transporting action and gentle humor, dazzling spectacle, and charming romance. Crucially at its center was the impossibly charismatic Gal Gadot, who was more than just a gorgeous and statuesque stunner. She radiated goodness, light, and hope in a way that was infectious, that made you believe in the power of superheroes beyond facile platitudes about doing what’s right and protecting mankind.

Gadot remains a winning and winsome figure in “Wonder Woman 1984,” and she retains her authentic connection with the audience, but the machinery around her has grown larger and unwieldy. Maybe that was inevitable, the urge in crafting a sequel to make everything wilder and brasher, more sprawling and complicated. In the process, though, the quality that made the original film such a delight has been squashed almost entirely. And yet, the foundation of the script Jenkins co-wrote with Geoff Johns and Dave Callaham, based on William Moulton Marston’s original characters, is a pretty simple one: It’s an indictment of greed, of our entitled desire to have what we want and have it now. The story takes place at the height of Reagan-era conspicuous consumption, hence the title, but the point “WW84” is making about the destructive nature of avarice is certainly relevant today.

Too often, though, the instinct in evoking that period is to wallow in obvious nostalgia—popped collars on pastel Polo shirts, a Centipede game at the arcade, a B. Dalton Bookseller at the brightly-lit, triple-decker mall. There’s even the obligatory trying-on-clothes montage to allow Chris Pine’s resurrected World War I pilot to marvel at the ridiculousness of parachute pants. (Also: breakdancing! What is that all about?) We’ll get to Steve in a minute, and to the potentially intriguing idea, his return represents.

But what’s also disappointing about the “WW84” screenplay is that it feels like it belongs to a movie that actually came out in the ‘80s. Its plot-driving device would be right at home in a high-concept comedy: an ancient stone that immediately grants you whatever you wish for, resulting in both wacky hijinks and massive catastrophes. It’s a banal notion along the lines of “Weird Science” and “Zapped!,” a cautionary tale in which fantasy fulfillment ultimately doesn’t deliver the satisfaction its characters expect.

Far more compelling is the film’s opening sequence, a flashback to a pivotal moment in the life of young Diana, years before she’d become Wonder Woman. As a girl on the magical island of Themiscyra (played once again by the poised and perfectly cast Lilly Aspell), she competes in an arduous challenge of strength and skill against women twice her age and height. This whole section soars—the camerawork and editing put us right in the middle of the action, and Hans Zimmer’s score sweeps us along. The memory also efficiently establishes Diana’s fearlessness and ability as well as the important lesson she learns about the nature of truth that will become relevant down the road. It is the film’s high point; nothing else will match it in terms of visual cohesion or emotional impact.

Flash forward to 1984. Diana Prince is now living in Washington D.C. (at The Watergate, amusingly) and working as an archaeologist at the Smithsonian, using her expertise and language skills to study ancient artifacts. Being ageless makes her a glamorous and elegant but lonely figure. (Costume designer Lindy Hemming plays off Gadot’s height and her character’s heritage by placing her in regal, drapey outfits that emphasize her length.) We see Diana sitting alone at a table at an outdoor cafe, smiling at passers-by, yearning to make a connection. It’s the film’s most quietly moving moment.

So when mousey new co-worker Dr. Barbara Minerva arrives and meekly asks if she’d like to have lunch, Diana doesn’t quite know how to respond because she doesn’t really have friends. But the two soon hit it off, because Barbara is also a misfit in her own way. Kristen Wiig is subtly hilarious in these early scenes as the sweetly goofy, warmhearted researcher. The chemistry she and Gadot share when they meet for drinks at happy hour, the Washington Monument gleaming behind them in the distance, made me wish they were starring in a mismatched buddy comedy instead. The role allows Wiig to deliver her lines with the sly, self-deprecating deadpan that’s her trademark; it seems effortless but actually requires pinpoint precision. But watching her stretch and develop into a villainous figure as the film progresses has its own joys. It’s a huge change of pace for the comedian, and she rises to the occasion both physically and emotionally.

You see, Barbara gets her hands on a mysterious stone that comes into the lab, which she and Diana determine is the kind that grants one wish to the bearer. Diana wishes she could once again be with her love, Pine’s Steve Trevor, now deceased for seven decades. Barbara wishes she could be more like Diana: confident, strong, sexy. But then—get this—a whole ‘nother person enters the lab under the guise of being a benefactor when he actually wants the stone for his own nefarious purposes. He’s Pedro Pascal as fluffy-haired TV con man Maxwell Lord, a fake oil tycoon promising prosperity to the masses. Crafting a wealthy façade and living beyond his means, Maxwell Lord is an archetype of the era. But beyond his shameless hunger for power and respect, there isn’t much to this character, and Pascal’s portrayal grows increasingly cartoonish. A sensitive performer, he’s afforded the opportunity to show more range beneath his Beskar steel helmet and armor on “The Mandalorian.”

The bulk of the overlong “WW84” running time is devoted to the chaos that ensues when wish-fulfillment runs amok. The script meanders awkwardly between all three of these characters as they either explore their newfound powers or the consequences of their choices. Along the way, the rules for wishing on the stone keep changing in whatever way is convenient to keep the plot chugging along. But some genuinely thrilling moments emerge along to the way to the generically shiny, noisy climax, including a heart-pounding chase across the Egyptian desert that allows Diana to reveal both her resourcefulness and her kindness. And Barbara’s transformation from unassuming scientist to ass-kicking seductress is a pleasure to behold, mainly because the evolution of her clothes and hair are so great and she seems to be having the most fun of anyone on screen. (The same cannot be said for Gadot and Pine this time, whose connection is weirdly inert despite the potential poignancy of being reunited with your one true love.) Sure, Barbara eventually turns into the comic book villainess Cheetah and resembles a refugee from “Cats,” but until then, her arc is the most interesting element of the film.

At the end of this Dumpster fire of a year, though, “Wonder Woman 1984” does deliver a welcome escape, as well as a much-needed message of hope. We’ll take such diversions where we can get them these days, either spread out at a theater or from the safety of your couch at home. It’s fine. Sometimes, it even soars. But it could have been wondrous.

Available on HBO Max and in theaters on December 25.