Wednesday, January 6, 2021

DC Comics: 15 Most Powerful Immortal Villains In DC Comics

06 Jan 2021 | By Adminstration

The DC Pantheon of heroes has some of the truly greatest comic book heroes. Larger-than-life, a godly aura, and truly badass when it comes to saving the day. But then, all great heroes need an even greater nemesis to prove their worth. A nemesis who is not afraid to poke where it hurts the most. But like most forms of art, the usual great villains are usually male characters. Here, we have compiled a list of the 10 greatest female supervillains of DC Comics. Interested? Let’s hop in!10. Poison Ivy

Identifying herself as an ecoterrorist, Dr. Pamian Lillian Isley aka Poison Ivy is a major foe of Batman. As a leading botanist and a biochemist, Poison Ivy at her core is a misanthropist. Her general disgust towards most humans makes her a dangerous villain who can go to any lengths for her goals.

Her immunity towards all kinds of poison, including the Joker toxin, makes her a superhuman. Poison Ivy can also mentally control plants, using them as offensive and defensive measures. She also has the ability to create pheromones that are powerful enough to control beings like Superman. A classic Batman villain indeed!

9. Talia al Ghul

The Daughter of the Demon, Talia al Ghul is an on/off romantic interest of The Dark Knight which makes things even much more complicated when it comes to fighting her. A cunning and ruthless woman, Talia is not afraid to commit the most heinous things for her goals. Her act of coercing Batman to father Damian Wayne cemented her status as a femme fatale.

A peak human athlete, Talia is trained in numerous martial arts which puts her in the best hand-to-hand combatants of the DC Universe. A master manipulator, her relationship with Batman often puts her at an advantage. As Ra’s Al Ghul’s daughter, she can also access his vast array of connections and wealth for herself.

8. Killer Frost

The mantle of Killer Frost has been passed on to three different women: Crystal Frost, Louise Lincoln, and Caitlin Snow. Among the three, Caitlin Snow is the most popular and diabolic character.

As a genius scientist at S.T.A.R. Labs, Caitlin Snow aka Killer Frost boasts of genius intellect. Her ability to transform heat into her freezing powers makes her lethal. Her touch can kill a normal person as she sucks out all the body heat and leaves the body freezing. She can also fly using the Arctic winds. Killer Frost can also make her body more durable by using ice as a defensive measure along with using it as projectiles for attacking.

7. Granny Goodness

A classic case of never to judge a book by its cover, never let her peculiar name or her old appearance fool you. Granny Goodness is Darkseid’s most loyal warrior.

Her loyalty impressed Darkseid, as a result, she was put in charge of recruiting and training the most fierce warriors of Apokolips. Like most habitats of Apokolips, Granny Goodness is practically immortal with superhuman strength and endurance. She is a master melee combatant who can hold her ground against the likes of Wonder Woman and Big Barda.

6. Faora Hu-Ul

General Zod’s most loyal and lethal commander, Faora is one of the strongest female characters in the DC Universe. As a Kryptonian, she has the usual powers which put her in the same league as that of Superman.

Faora is trained in the Kryptonian martial arts form Horo-Kanu which can incapacitate even the strongest characters. Her ferocity has made Superman flee for his life, which makes her extremely formidable.5. Silver Banshee

A victim of patriarchy, Silver Banshee is a ghastly villain who derives her powers from an entity called The Crone. There have been two different Silver Banshees who have troubled both Superman and Supergirl.

Silver Banshee’s most lethal attack is The Death Wail which can kill anyone provided that she knows her victim’s name. Her endurance is almost on par with the Kryptonians. The Silver Banshee has also been able to wound Kryptonians to a considerable degree. She also has the ability of omnilingualism; the ability to speak a language the moment you hear it.

4. Cheshire

A victim of an unhappy childhood, Cheshire is a master martial arts specialist and uses a variety of toxins during her fights. As one of the major foes of the Teen Titans, she is also romantically linked with Roy Harper.

Her hand-to-hand combat abilities put her in the league of Lady Shiva and Batman. A ruthless manipulator, Cheshire has decimated a country using nuclear weapons. She is also considered as one of the most lethal assassins after Deathstroke and Lady Shiva.

3. Cheetah

The archenemy of Wonder Woman, the title of Cheetah has been passed on to four different people: Priscilla Rich, Deborah Domaine, Barbara Ann Minerva, and Sebastian Ballesteros.

A champion of a mystical god, Cheetah can transform into both human and her natural form. While in her Cheetah form, she gains super-speed, super-strength, and heightened senses. In some story arcs, she can also control other felines. Her fangs can also penetrate the skin of Superman, which is an extremely rare feat.

2. Enchantress

If you think the Suicide Squad (2016) version of Enchantress defines the real character, then think again. A powerful sorceress, she is one of the most formidable supervillains of DC Universe.

Her magical abilities are not just limited to teleportation or regenerating from fatal injuries. Her dark magic is hard to define as she can manipulate it as per her wish. Her magic enables him to engage multiple heroes at a time, including powerful magicians like Zatanna.

1. Grail

If Darkseid is the baddest evil in DC, it is only natural that his daughter should take the top spot. Grail is the offspring of Darkseid and an Amazonian named Mhysa.

Though Grail doesn’t possess all the powers of Darkseid, she can summon him at her will. She can also easily access inter-dimension travel along with her natural powers of super strength and agility. She can also access the ancient Amazonian occult rituals by her Amazonian blood lineage. She can also revive people from their demise. She also possesses the Omega Beams which can injure New Gods and break the bracelets of Wonder Woman. Grail’s ability of Will Corruption which greatly affects the Green Lanterns. Like father, like daughter, eh?

The Top 10 Most Powerful DC Superheroes In DC Comics Today

 06 Jan 2021 | By Administration

When it comes to powerful superheroes, very few companies can boast the amount that DC has. I mean, just off the top of my head Superman, Zatanna, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, John Constantine, Raven, Starfire, and Mera come to mind. 

DC, more than most companies, has done an excellent job of creating, developing, and pushing the proper superheroes into the spotlight. Just take a quick look at the ones I mentioned above. There really isn’t a superhero in there that most couldn’t name.

When it came to compiling this list, I wanted to figure out exactly who in DC is the most powerful of the powerful. That is, who could easily overwhelm their opponents with their power. Although I chose a couple of obvious heroes that shouldn’t surprise you, I was able to come up with a couple that might.

Who are they, you ask?

Good question.

Here are The Top 10 Most Powerful DC Superheroes In DC Comics Today.

10. Superman


I’m going to start the list with the most obvious choice. Superman is everything that superheroes aspire to be. He’s brave, fights for what’s right is willing to sacrifice himself for others and powerful beyond measure. Superman is one of/if not the first true superhero ever created and has survived decades of industry-wide changes. 

Superman is on this list of the most powerful DC superheroes because well, he’s the benchmark by which all other superheroes are measured. While some heroes may be more intelligent, better at fighting, and quicker than Superman, none can do everything that he can. 

And what can he do, you ask?

Anything and everything. Just name a superpower and there’s a good chance that he has it. Before we move on, know that I only put him as number 10 because he’s just too obvious a choice for this list.

9. Green Lantern

Green Lantern - Hal Jordan

When you’re a superhero whose limitation is his own imagination, you’re bound to end up on a most powerful DC superheroes list. 

No matter if it’s Hal Jordan, Kyle Rayner, Guy Gardner, John Stewart, Kilowog, Sodam Yot, or Abin Sur, Green Lanterns get their power from the Green Power Ring. With the Green Power Ring, each has the ability to physically create anything they can dream up. If they needed a giant boxing glove, they could create it. If they needed a net, they could create it. And if they needed an entire city filled with people, they could create it.

All that said, the most remarkable thing about the Green Lanterns isn’t the above. Instead, it’s that if one should die, the Ring leaves their side and seeks out a new wearer. This pretty much makes the Green Lanterns forever and unlikely to cease to be. 

8. The Flash

Feared Flash Enemies

If you’re wondering why The Flash is on this list of most powerful DC superheroes, remember this. The Flash can travel back through time and change the future. 

To relaunch their universe in 2011, DC had The Flash going back through time to find out how and why things had changed in the present day. Once there, he learned that his mother was still alive and as a consequence, everything that he knew was longer relevant. The story was called Flashpoint and Flashpoint creatively explored the idea of the Butterfly Effect. 

For reference, the Butterfly Effect is an idea that states the smallest of changes in the initial conditions of something can have the largest consequences in future versions of reality. Or simply, changes to something in the past can have far-reaching effects in the future.

Although the New 52 was a flop, Flashpoint showed the world why The Flash is one of the most powerful superheroes alive.

7. Shazam

5 Things Everyone Gets Wrong About Shazam

When a character has been imbued with the wisdom of Solomon, the strength of Hercules, the stamina of Atlas, the power of Zeus, the courage of Achilles, and the speed of Mercury, there are very few others that can stand up to them. That character is Shazam.

Although he was created before Wonder Woman, Shazam isn’t nearly as well-known. This is mostly due to the decades that he spent in legal limbo. After letting the patent go on his name (Captain Marvel), DC’s rival Marvel Comics quickly scooped it up and trademarked it. This forced DC to act quickly (which they didn’t) and rebrand their character. The resulting rebrand gave the formerly named Captain Marvel the name Shazam. Unfortunately, at the time most were confused by the change and as such, the now named Shazam fell deep into obscurity…which is a shame considering how powerful he is. 

Over the years, Shazam has managed to claw his way back to prominence. This, while great for the character, is terrible for all who oppose him. With the exception of a few, none can match the power of Shazam.

6. Dr. Fate

Dr. Fate

First appearing in More Fun Comics #55 back in May of 1940, Dr. Fate was created by the legendary Gardner Fox and Howard Sherman. 

Although there have been various characters to take on the role, each has roughly the same power set. This is primarily due to the fact that to become Dr. Fate means that the person must have and wear the Helmet of Fate. Once the Helmet of Fate is on their head they are given flight, telekinesis, superhuman strength, elemental and energy control, the ability to create forcefields, invulnerability, telepathy, intangibility, teleportation across dimensions, and spell-casting. 

As a spell-caster, Dr. Fate is nearly unrivaled. In addition to being one of the most powerful DC superheroes, Dr. Fate is also one of the greatest users of magic that DC has to offer. Some might even say that Dr. Fate’s understanding of it, is greater than Dr. Strange’s.

5. Martian Manhunter

Martian Manhunter

Martian Manhunter isn’t only one of the top 10 most powerful DC superheroes alive, he’s easily one of the top 5.

Here’s why.

Martian Manhunter can phase through just about anything, shapeshift, has superhuman speed, durability, strength, and stamina, become invisible, possesses regenerative power, is able to fly and use telepathy, and has enhanced senses. 

If all this makes it sound like he can go toe-to-toe with Superman, it’s because he can. Martian Manhunter is one of the most feared superheroes alive and an invaluable member of the Justice League of America. Martian Manhunter is so powerful that he has tracked the Flash through timelines, bent Gods and Demons to his will, and protected himself from the most violent telepathic attacks. 

Yeah…easily in the top 5.

4. Supergirl


For all the reasons that I named for Superman above, Supergirl is here. Like her famous cousin, Supergirl comes from the planet Krypton. Like her famous cousin, she derives her power from Earth’s yellow sun. And like her famous cousin, there isn’t too much that she can’t do.

Supergirl has an extensive list of powers. She possesses superhuman strength, speed, durability, stamina, hearing, and agility. She also has infrared, telescopic, x-ray, heat, microscopic, and electromagnetic vision. In addition, she is nearly invulnerable, can fly, has a healing factor, and possesses both freeze and wind breath.

And that’s just the beginning.

Supergirl is nearly fast as any in DC, is an expert combatant, and isn’t afraid to die for the greater good. All of these mean that she easily lands on this list.

3. Wonder Woman

Wonder Woman Comic

When you’re the most recognizable female character in the history of comics, you’re bound to be one of the most powerful as well.

I don’t think that DC quite understood what they had when William Moulton Marston created Wonder Woman. I mean, they fought him, balked at him, and allowed people of all professions to question him about her. Thankfully, at the end of the day, all the efforts to stop him failed and as a result, she’s the female superhero that all female superheroes aspire to be.

Wonder Woman is an Amazonian warrior who possesses flight, superhuman strength, speed, durability, and longevity. In addition, she is one of the greatest fighters in DC Comics and carries both the Lasso of Truth and the Sword of Athena. Wonder Woman is as arguably as powerful as Superman (minus an ability or two) and the reason that DC captured a giant segment of the market long before Marvel did.

2. Dr. Manhattan 

Origin of Dr Manhattan

Dr. Manhattan was created by Dave Gibbons and Alan Moore and first appeared in the ever-popular Watchmen graphic novel. 

Before there was Dr. Manhattan, there was Jonathan Osterman. As Jonathan Osterman, he was a student of nuclear physics. One day while working at a secret facility with his better half, Jenny, Osterman wound up locked inside a test chamber. When the generator to the chamber was turned on, Osterman’s body was bombarded with nuclear power. As a result, he was ripped apart and left as someone drastically different. 

Now, Dr. Manhattan, Osterman was given more abilities than McDonald’s has menu items. Of them, the most impressive are space travel, resurrection, size altering, teleportation, time travel, replication, and matter disintegration. To say that Dr. Manhattan is overpowered isn’t doing the character justice. Dr. Manhattan is so powerful that putting him on this list was as easy as putting socks on my feet when they’re cold. 

1. The Spectre

The Spectre

Where do I begin with The Spectre? You may not agree with me but I believe that The Spectre is easily the pinnacle of most powerful DC superheroes. 

Here’s why.

The Spectre is the embodiment of God’s vengeance. As such, he possesses immortality, can warp reality, is able to manipulate both space and time, has limitless control over matter, can see into the future, is near-omnipotent, possesses cosmic awareness, is able to manipulate cosmic energy, and is omniscient. The Spectre can and will do anything he wants. He is the DC Universe’s judge, jury, and executioner. If he deems you unfit for existence, he can and will wipe you from it. 

Put it this way, The Spectre is so powerful that even characters like Superman don’t stand a chance against him.

And that’s it. The Top 10 Most Powerful DC Superheroes. Agree? Disagree? Who would make your powerful DC superheroes list?

Top 33 World’s Strangest Buildings

 06 Jan 2021 | By Administration

What pops into your mind when thinking about modern architecture and its architects? Sleek lines, mind-blowing structures, and the hip, uber-modern creator of it all. Well, that is not the case for some of these crazy buildings. Surely, the creators of Basket House, Gag Building, or the Conch dwelling weren’t your usual modern-day architects.

We have a wonderful collection of the world’s most unusual architecture and together with Bored Panda presents you an incredible list of some of the weird buildings in the world, and best of all, it’s not just another random list, but it is based on many unique visitor votes. So don’t blame panda for this exact order, blame yourself for voting this way, or for not voting at all. Scroll down to check our list with your picks below!

1. Mind House (Barcelona, Spain)

2. The Crooked House (Sopot, Poland)

3. Stone House (Guimarães, Portugal)

4. Lotus Temple (Delhi, India)

5. Cathedral of Brasilia (Brazil)

6. La Pedrera (Barcelona, Spain)

7. Atomium (Brussels, Belgium)

8. Museum of Contemporary Art (Niteroi, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)

9. Kansas City Library (Missouri, USA)

10. Low impact woodland house (Wales, UK)

11. Guggenheim Museum (Bilbao, Spain)

12. Rotating Tower, Dubai, UAE

(Bamboo leaf for Dynamic Architecture ̢㢠all rights reserved to Dr. David Fisher)

Have you ever seen a building in motion that changes its shape? Sounds unbelievable but not to Dr. David Fisher. This building will never appear the same twice.

It is fantastic, but you will have the choice of waking up to the sunrise in your bedroom and enjoying sunsets over the ocean at dinner.

In addition to being such an incredible engineering miracle, it will produce energy for itself and even for other buildings because it will have wind turbines fitted between each rotating floor (picture 2). So an 80-story building will have up to 79 wind turbines, making it a true green power plant.

13. Habitat 67 (Montreal, Canada)

14. Casa da musica (Porto, Portugal)

15. Olympic Stadium (Montreal, Canada)

16. Nautilus House (Mexico City, Mexico)

17. The National Library (Minsk, Belarus)

18. National Theatre (Beijing, China)

19. Conch Shell House, Isla Mujeres, Mexico

20. House Attack (Vienna, Austria)

21. Bibliotheca Alexandrina (Egypt)

22. Cubic Houses (Kubus woningen) (Rotterdam, Netherlands)

23. Ideal Palace (France)

24. The Church of Hallgrimur, Reykjavik, Iceland

25. Eden project (United Kingdom)

26. The Museum of Play (Rochester, USA)

27. Atlantis (Dubai, UAE)

28. Montreal Biosphere (Canada)

29. Wonderworks (Pigeon Forge, TN, USA)

30. The Basket Building (Ohio, USA)

31. Kunsthaus (Graz, Austria)

32. Forest Spiral (Darmstadt, Germany)

33. Wooden Gagster House (Archangelsk, Russia)

Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Heavy snowfall continues all over United States

 Heavy snowfall continues all over the United States

05 Jan 2021 | By Administration

People walk down a snow-covered Chestnut Street in Boston, Massachusetts

WASHINGTON, DC: Heavy snowfall continues across different parts of the United States of  America due to which various cities and states are facing accidents and mishaps. The snowfall had begun in the last days of 2020, which is continuing in many cities. A record snowfall of three to four inches has so far been recorded in various cities. Many vehicles, as well as pedestrians, have been facing various accidents while due to slippery roads. Meanwhile, a number of traffic accidents and incidents of people falling or slipping, have occurred in many areas.

Workers at Google's parent company Alphabet form union

 Workers at Google's parent company Alphabet form union

05 Jan 2021 | By Administration

Employees at Google and other units of its parent firm Alphabet announced the creation of a union on Monday, stepping up a period of activism targeting Silicon Valley giants. The Alphabet Workers Union, affiliated with the Communications Workers of America, aims to represent well-compensated tech workers as well as temporary workers and contractors, according to a statement. The new labor group is focusing not only on pay and benefits as most unions but also a role in ethical decisions by the tech giant and protection from arbitrary firings for activism. 

"We hope to create a democratic process for workers to wield decision-making power; promote social, economic, and environmental justice; and end the unfair disparities between TVCs (temporary, vendors and contractors) and FTEs (full-time employees)," the union's website said. As of the end of December, the union had some 200 members. Large tech firms, which offer generous compensation to software engineers and other skilled workers, have largely avoided labor drives but have faced growing unrest over workplace issues in recent years.

At Amazon, which has tens of thousands of warehouse workers, organizing drives have focused on working conditions and safety during the pandemic. One of the catalysts at Google was the recent firing of Timnit Gebru, a Black artificial intelligence ethics researcher and outspoken diversity activist. The company also faced a backlash from employees over its involvement with a Pentagon project known as Project Maven, which Google eventually ended. "This union builds upon years of courageous organizing by Google workers," said Nicki Anselmo, a Google program manager, and union member. "From... opposing Project Maven, to protesting the egregious, multimillion-dollar payouts that have been given to executives who’ve committed sexual harassment, we’ve seen first-hand that Alphabet responds when we act collectively." 

Asked about the organizing effort, Google's director of people operations Kara Silverstein, said in a statement: "We've always worked hard to create a supportive and rewarding workplace for our workforce. "Of course our employees have protected labor rights that we support. But as we’ve always done, we’ll continue engaging directly with all our employees.”

The move comes with Google and other tech giants under heightened scrutiny by antitrust enforcers in the US and elsewhere for their growing dominance of key economic sectors.